Chapter 9: The auction part 2

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Luci had never liked Mr. Han he was always up to something, and she was the one that had to clean after him. She clenched her fist as she watched him from the other side of the room. He had waddled away the moment she told him to. As he should. But she didn't like that he was here, mainly because he had said he wouldn't be here. But it didn't really matter the twins had said the same thing. Just let him be, it's not like he has the power anymore to do anything. And they were right. At least Luci hoped they were.

The auction was coming to an end. Luci glanced at Ella who was sitting next to her. She had done good judging from that she still had no real idea what was going on. But she didn't have to know, not yet. The reason Luci had brought Ella with her to the auction was to show that she was not alone. It was a risky move and might put Ella at risk. But it also showed that if Luci disappeared there would still be someone at the top. Having Ella come with her as her partner and not as a guard was prof enough for the people attending this event.

The world Luci lived in was built around rules and unwritten laws. Small actions could tell someone a lot without the person doing them uttering a word. That was what these events were created for. Showing of what you wanted to show off, telling the others in the community what you want them to know, and earning a fortune. Two birds in one go. The other clans and their members knew this. The only clan leader that never showed up was Freya Moonchild, but she always sent a woman from Lacnunga that can relay any messages that are told to her.

The last piece of art was carried off the scene and the dimed lights were turned back up. Mr. Ken was once again going to go home with his pockets full of money. Some day he was going to have to pay her back Luci thought as she stood up from the table. Ella looked up at her before standing up herself.

"Let's go" Luci said and held her arm out for Ella.

"Ty, can you make sure the car is ready for us" Luci said as they started to walk towards the exit. He nodded and walked ahead of them. Ella hesitated next to her and stopped for a moment. Luci looked wondering at her.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing I just thought I saw something" Ella shook her head and smiled at her and started to walk again.

"Come on".

Luci looked at the direction Ella had but there was no one there.

Before they reach the exit, the twins stepped out in front of them. Luci took an instinctive step in front of Ella. Which seemed to have amused Kenzo who showed of his fangs.

"Miss Luci, we couldn't help but notice you never introduced us to your girl" Kenzo's voice was almost purring as his eyes were stuck on Ella behind her. Ethan laughed next to him.

"My brother is right, you never did".

Luci sighted they were always like this. You could not keep anything from them if they wanted it they would take it. That's the reason she wanted to have them on an armlength distance from Ella. Especially after what they had said about her earlier that evening.

"I guess I never did" Luci finally said but she didn't move. Kenzo smiled his fangs once again showing. If you see that smiled once you would never get it out of your mind. But thankfully for Luci, she had seen it too much that it started to become annoying.

"Well?" Ethan said. They were both looking at Ella now.

"It's okay" Ella put a hand on her shoulder and stepped out from behind her. She looked unfaced by their looks. Two tall muscular men covered in tattoos. Looking at her like she was food.

"I'm Ella, Luci's partner" Ella held out a hand towards them. Kenzo took it.

"Kenzo Clair" Kenzo pointed at Ethan to his right "and this is my brother Ethan". Ethan nodded towards her.

"Pleasure" was all he said still smiling. Ella pulled her hand back and looked at Luci. Luci looked back at her, sometimes it's hard to believe she was her partner. Luci still thought that Ella would leave her the moment she found out about her life. But at this moment Luci knew she wouldn't. Ella showed no fear against the men in front of her and Luci could not help herself from smiling at her.

"Miss Ella. If you ever get tiered of Yomi our doors will always stay open for you" Kenzo said and gave Luci a challenging look. But before she could say anything Ty showed up next to them. He gave Kenzo one look, and his smile disappeared from his face.

"The car is ready" Ty said to Luci.

"Thank you, Ty," Luci took Ella's arm and walked around the twins with Ty close after. Luci held the door open for Ella and got in after her. As Ty started to drive them back home Ella finally asked.

"What does Yomi mean?" Ella didn't look at her but had her forehead resting on the cold window. Luci had been waiting for that question the moment Kenzo had mentioned the name. Luci didn't really know where to start but it was better now than later. She sighted and met Ty's eyes in the rearview mirror.

"Yomi is the name of the clan I'm in charge of" Luci answered. Ella didn't react but just kept staring out of the window.

"It's not what you think" Luci was about to say something more, but Ella cut her off.

"And what is it that you think I think it is?" she asked coldly.

"Do you know what I know about you Luci" Ella continued "no, well this is what I know. Your full name is Lucinda, you are 30 years old and the owner of your late fathers trading business. And do you know how I know that?"

Ella finally turned to look at Luci.

"I googled it".

Ella's usually light blue eyes were stormy dark as she looked at her. She did not look angry but there was more disappointment in her eyes. Luci reached out and took Ella's hand in hers, she stared at it as she gently strook her thumb over her knuckles. Luci sighted before she said anything again.

"I understand if your mad".

"I'm not mad" Ella quickly added. Luci met her eyes.

"I just want to understand before I fall to deep".

"I wanted to tell you, but the right time never came. I am sorry my love" Luci said slowly as she stared into Ella's eyes. Luci guessed it was time to be completely transparent with her. Because she was not ready to let go of the girl in front of her.

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