Chapter 15: Old News

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When James got back to the apartment Luci was already awake. She sat on the living room couch and was staring at the tv screen paying no attention to what was showing on it. James was about to turn it off when he realized what the news anchor was saying.

"Multiple questions have surfaced as more and more time passes without any answers. The unknown death's that started to occur almost a year ago today have left the public startled and in the need for answers".

James's mouth had become very dry as he continued to listen to what the lady was saying. The puzzle pieces started to make sense now. How had he not noticed this before?

"The investigations are still ongoing, and the police have stated that they will not answer any more questions at the current time".

The news had been talking about it all this time. But none of them had paid any attention because they didn't know about the drugs. But now that James did know about them the unknown deaths on the news and the drugs were clearly related.

James had picked up the control to turn the tv of when he came inside. But now he was just staring at it, it looked like time had frozen but just for him. Luci looked from James to the news on the tv and then back at him. What was so interested about that all of a sudden? Luci though as she listened to what the news anchor was saying. She was still talking about those deaths that they had been mentioning the past couple of months. Luci frowned, had the twins told him something? If they had what did the unknown deaths in the city have to do with Mr. Han? She sighted as she stood up and grabbed the control from James and turned of the tv.

"How did it go?" Luci asked as James slowly turned towards her. He looked startled which was a new expression for him.

"I don't think Mr. Han is our biggest problem anymore" James said with a hoarse voice. She could see that he tried to swallow before he continued.

"You might want to sit down" he said as he did just that. Luci sat down next to him.

"What is going on?"

"The twins told me and Ty something interesting while we were there" James paused, and Luci could tell that he was choosing his words wisely as he did, when there was something important he wanted to say.

"James out with it".

"Okay, apparently there is a new kind of drug on the market. The twins told us that it showed up a coupel of months ago". James looked at her waiting for a rection. Luci just stared at him letting the words he just uttered sink in. New drugs? How? She thought. That's impossible.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. The twins have experience it head on. They told us that new fighters have entered the rings. Driven by a drug that make them uncappable to feel pain."

"How did we miss that? How did I miss that?" Luci pulled a hand through her hair. How did she miss something that important? What was wrong with her. A new drug had entered the market right under her nose. James was right something much more important was going on than the problem she had with Mr. Han.

"I missed it to Luci. Kenzo and Ethan are as clueless as we are regarding this" James put a hand on her knee "I wish I had more information but that's it". Luci nodded slowly. It didn't matter it was enough for now.

James had gone to the office with Ty after their talk and Luci had not been able to let go of the matter at hand. Not just what James had told her about the drug but also Mr. Han and why he knew about the files she had. Luci had been wandering up and down the hall outside Ella's room more times than she could count by now. Her thoughts were messy, and she was not able to create a clear once.

Something felt of about the whole situation. Like she was missing a major piece of information.

Frustrated Luci grabbed her hair and sank down against the wall outside the bedroom. She stared in at Ella who was still sleeping. Why did all of this have to happen at the same time? The thought was frustrating, and it took Luci a while to realize the meaning in it. What if all of it wasn't a coincident? The thought gave her a new perspective on everything, and she took a deep breath. It wasn't a coincident it couldn't be, not now. Luci almost laughed into the night, and she pulled her hands out of her now messy hair and picked up the phone to text James.


(I got it)


(What is it?)


(Before I say too much, I need you to do something for me)

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