Chapter 8: The auction

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It had become dark outside when they arrived at the auction. Luci reached out her hand for Ella to help her out of the car. Ella grabbed onto it as they walked into the building. They entered a large hall decorated with countless flowers and different kinds of art pieces. Ella almost tripped over herself as she looked around with astonishment as they walked farther into the building. Luci's grip on her arm tightened as she came to a closed door. Ella could hear Ty and the other man that was with them confirm something over the radio.

"Miss. Luci" an unfamiliar voice made Ella turn her head. A tall man came walking towards them. He was dressed in a suit like Luci with a big grin on his face. Luci smiled back and shook his hand.

"Mr. Ken. It's a pleasure to meet you again" Luci said her voice filed with authority. The man laughed and agreed.

"I been expecting you. We have a couple of interesting pieces here tonight. And some interesting people" Mr. Ken added and blinked at Luci. The man showed them through the closed doors and into the auction venue.

The place was filed with people from all around the world. Ella must have heard five different languages as Mr. Ken showed them to their table. Luci thanked him.

"No its me who should thank you Miss Luci. Enjoy your evening" he said before leaving and quickly running in to a new person to praise. Luci sighted and pulled the chair out for Ella.

"Thank you" Ella said and sat down. Ty took his place behind her, the other man Ella noticed had stopped by the bar and was observing their surroundings. What was really going on here? Ella thought as Luci sat down next to her.

Ella noticed that Luci seemed to have tensed up the moment they walked into the venue hall. But you would not have noticed if you hadn't spent time with her. She was reading something on the iPad that Ty had just handed her, but Ella could tell that Luci was very attentive of her surrounding and of the other people in the room. She wondered what she was listening for, there was so many individual and low conversations around them that it was hard to make out any words. Especially as some of the people attending were speaking languages Ella had never heard before. After a while she gave up trying to understand any of the things being said around her, instead she started to scan the venue with her eyes.

The man at the bar was still standing their it looked like he had direct communication with someone else because she could see his lip move. Ty was not answering so there must be someone else. At the table next to them sat an old lady who was conversing with an elderly gentleman. They looked like they came from the west, but Ella could not completely figure out what language they were speaking. A younger man joined them, and they all laughed about something he said. Ella's eyes looked on to the stage in the back of the room. There were people prepping for the items that were going to be auctioned of, and it looked like they were about done. She observed the scene in front of her for quite a while which led to more questions than answers. Ella started to notice the discreet looks and comments thrown their way. Who was Luci really? And most importantly why was she here? Ella was drawn back to the table by Luci's voice.

"Ella, are you okay?" Luci put a hand on her leg as she asked. Ella nodded.

"Yes, why?"

Luci nodded as well, and she seemed to be in deep though as she noticed something behind Ella. She stood up.

"Wait here for a second we will be right back" she said and stroked away a strand of hair from Ella's face before walking away. Ty followed her close by as Ella watched them stop in front of two almost identical men.

It hadn't been more than two minutes when a man sat down next to her in Luci's seat. His hair was carefully brushed over is scalp to hide his ball spots. At least that's what Ella was guessing. He was dressed in a black suit, but it looked a bit small over his bulging belly. He smiled at her.

"I have not had the pleasure to meet you, the name was Mickael Han" he held out a hand towards Ella. She hesitantly shook it and smiled back. It was sweaty.


"I have never seen you here before, first time?" Mr. Han asked. Ella was not sure what to answer. Was it better for him to think she knew what this was about or tell him the truth.

"I have always been too busy to attend" she finally answered. Her answer didn't seem to convince him. Mr. Han looked over her shoulder at what Ella assumed was Luci before looking at her again.

"So, how do you know Miss Luci? She has never brought anyone around before. Interesting isn't it" he seemed proud of himself as he looked Ella up and down. His gaze was uncomfortable, and Ella couldn't help to wince from his gaze. Mr. Han smiled at her reaction.

"I can understand her" he said. His eyes quickly moved from her to someone behind her and he stood up as quickly as he had sat down.

"Mr. Han" Luci's tone was dark as she spoke to him. But her voice gave Ella a sense of security which she was grateful for in this moment.

"Can I help you with something?" Luci asked as she put a hand on Ella's left shoulder. A sign for Mr. Han to back off. And he did take a step back.

"Miss Luci. No, I was just introducing myself to this fine young lady" Mr. Han gestured towards Ella and smiled his charismatic smile.

"If that was all. The auction is about to start" and the moment Luci said that the lights in the venue dimed.

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