Chapter 7: T-minus one

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The days were leading up to the auction that Ella was going to attend with Luci. Luci was deep in thought as she made dinner that evening. Occasionally the sound of the tv would break through her thoughts. The police are still investigating. Luci looked up when Ella came into the living room. She had been downstairs and helped James pack the car. A thought had appeared in Luci's mind which had made her decide to send Ajal away to the country estate with James and Jun. She didn't have a good explanation for it which hadn't made it easy to convince Ella about it. But in the end, she agreed when Jun volunteered to go with them.

Ella stopped in front of the tv where the news anchor was still talking about the police investigation. The man and the woman don't seem to have any relationship, they were both found dead in their houses with no signs of struggle.

Luci could see Ella shiver when she heard about it, and she quickly turned off the tv. She observed Ella as she made her way to the kitchen and rested her elbows on the counter as usual. Ella was dressed in a pair of Luci's sweatpants and one of her cardigans. Her beauty never ceased to amaze her.

"How did he take it?" Luci asked her. Ella's bitter smile said it all.

"Well, as well as a five-year-old does when you tell them you can't go with them" she muttered. Ajal most have been a hand full. Ella sighted as she put her head down on the counter.

"Are you sure this is for the best?" she asked.

"Do you trust me?".

Ella nodded slightly. Luci put down the knife she had used to cut the veggies with and walked around the counter to Ella. Ella looked up at her where she was almost hanging over the counter. Luci looked at her and smiled warmly. Ella was really something and it was at times like these that you could see how young she actually was. Luci put out her arms.

"Come here".

Ella reluctantly lifted her head from the counter and moved into Luci's embrace. Luci kissed her on the head as Ella rested her head on her chest.

"Everything is going to be okay I promise. It's just I don't know what is going to happen tomorrow so I want to take all the precautions that I can" Luci said as she tightened her arms around Ella.

"I know, and I am thankful, but I still feel bad about it. We have never been apart more than a day" she whispered into Luci's shirt. Luci pulled away so she could look Ella in the eyes.

"Both Jun and James are going to be with him, and you know how much he loves them". Ella smiled at the thought.

"Your right. He probably won't let them get a moment to breath". Luci smiled as well and gently kissed Ella's forehead.

"Are you hungry?" She asked.

Ella nodded.

The day of the auction was here, and Ella was sitting with her cheek resting on her bare knees. She was staring at three different dresses that Luci had laid out in front of her. One of them was a long blue dress without shoulder straps, so that one was already out of the question. The other two were more modest. If you could call a short red dress modest. Ella sighted where was Luci when you needed her?

Luci had walked of right after pulling out the dresses to take a phone call. Ella knew that Luci and her men were preparing for the auction, she just didn't know what they were planning. But she had more urgent matters at hand, to choose a dress to wear tonight and to style her hair. How that would be possible, Ella didn't know. She pulled her hands through her hair in small frustration when Luci finally came back into the room. She stopped and looked at Ella, back at the dresses, and then back at Ella.

"I been away for an hour love" Luci said as she noticed that Ella hadn't moved since she left. Ella sighted again and hid her face in her hands. Luci sat down next to her hand took her hands from her face and kissed them.

"What is it?" Luci asked. Ella just stared at her and then looked back at the dresses.

"That" was all Ella said. Luci waited for her to continued, their always seemed to be no end to her calmness.

"I can't wear them". Luci looked at the dresses that Ella hadn't even touched. She stood up and picked the red one up.

"Why is that?" She asked. Ella pointed at herself and then at the red dress that Luci was holding up.

"Look at me and then look at that. I am going to look too much out of place" Ella exclaimed in frustration. Luci just smiled and put down the red dress. She crossed her arms in front of her and looked at Ella with her dark eyes.

"You really have no idea how beautiful you are do you" Luci said. It was not a question but a statement. Ella rolled her eyes at Luci's words. Luci sighted at her reaction, but she didn't say anything. They stared at each other for a while before Ella gave in. She threw her arms out.

"Fine I will wear the black one. Happy". Luci smiled at her sudden outburst, but she didn't say anything. All she did was turn around and walk into the closet to get dressed herself. Ella remained in the bed as she stared a hole into Luci's back before dragging herself to her feet.

She picked up the black dress. It was simple without any details or glitter. It was short and tight with a v neck its minimalistic style was what made it beautiful. It was that kind of dress you would only see a woman with too much money wear. It was nothing that Ella would have ever felt comfortable in. But it fit the roll she was supposed to play tonight.

Luci helped her pull up the sipper in the back when she finally made it out of the shower. Ella looked at herself in the mirror as Luci put her hair up for her. Luci was right she looked beautiful. The dress showed her curves that had emerged since she moved in with Luci. The black dress made her light hair stand out and her blue eyes were almost glowing back at her. Luci met her gaze in the mirror and smiled at her. She left a light kiss on her neck.

"I told you" Was all Luci said before taking Ella's hand and showing her out of the closet and out into the living room. Ty was waiting for them. He was dressed in a black suit and was already communicating with one of his men on the radio he had in his ear. When he saw Luci, he nodded.

"We are ready" Ty's voice was dark as he spoke.

"Okay good" Luci said as she walked towards the door. Ella just followed without asking anything. To be honest she didn't really want to know what Luci was up to. So, she remained silent when Luci helped her put on her black heals that almost made her as tall as Luci. Ella gratefully held onto Luci's arm as they went down to the car. Ty followed them closely and was constantly talking to someone over the radio.

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