a new start

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On a rainy afternoon, a certain dragon was out and about collecting an assortment of items from the surface

whether that be from villages old or new, battles abandoned during peace, this mythical beast would always be happy for what he could find

but, there about the gloomy scene, was a silhouette of a small...child?

yes, it was a childbut how could it be out here in the first place?the dragon loomed in closer to inspect it, but jolted to a stop when it caught a strong scent of...bloodit's eyes caught by the scars that still looked fresh upon the child's body, white fur stained with red...the dragon coiled around itself before a bright flash occurred, transformed into a handsome young man with blue hair and shining eyes that broke through the gloom of dayhe kneeled down closer to the child, reaching out his hand closer to itin an instant, he felt a sharp pain spread throughout his hand that made him yelp in pain and withdraw itonly for the child to be clinging on via teeth, the young man seeing the fear in the child's eyes he then took a deep breath and slowly sat on his knees, moving his arms and hands though it hurtembracing the child like a feisty cub, opening his mouth though his words were just above a whisper 

"shhhhhh, I know this is a lot right now...and you want to be left alone..."

he then began to attempt to soothe the child by rubbing its back in circles
making the shhh sound as he did, his dragon tail pulling his hood off to hold over the child
protecting them from the rain and cold winds

he examined further on the damage done, the hoop and crown bonded to their very flesh
he showed great pity towards them as he sighed
still rubbing circles gently on their back

"I wish...I wish i could take this pain away, so you wouldn't have to feel scared...
but...you're not alone anymore...
I'm here....

I...am here, with you."

he spoke with great gentleness and kindness

slowly, he felt the pressure upon his hand be lifted

then something warm and wet drag against it, 
the cub was trying to lick the bite wound clean as their fur faded from white to blue
though in the shade, the blue fur sparkled like a twilight sky

as if, tiny stars were at home within the blue

the cub then looked up at him with their pumpkin spiced eyes, that complimented their blue fur

the young man's eyes sparkled before he simply smiled, wiping the last bit of tears from the cub's face with his thumbs

"thank you, young one.
I'll be okay, You were just defending yourself.."

a clash of thunder then occurred, causing the cub to squeak and hide into the young man
he was also a bit startled by the sudden noise
remembering that the cub had 8 ears, most likely sensitive than others

"come, I'll take you someplace safe.
away from the noise, from the pain.."

the now blue cub would look back up to the young man, analyzing his dragon features

his eyes that held no malice or ill intenttheir gurgles and chirps as their 8 ears wiggled to his breathing and heartbeat:
helped them relax more and more into his arms, tired from the events that happened before

the young man examined how the blood dripped from the cub's head and neck, staining his clothes
 past scars and cracks from early points in life; telling all sorts of stories
new and old
the young man then stood up, lifting his hand to the sky and making the water slow in movement, to a complete stop

with a flick of his wrist, the rain drops sped upward
high into the sky before a blue wave spread the dark clouds apart, bringing forth the shining sun that revealed a rainbow that crossed the sea and back
the young man then put his arm back around the cub, 
walking forward towards the sea

he descended into the water with the child, creating a bubble surrounding them both as they went under
moving the bubble to zoom around and zip by fish, rocks, animals and underwater demon neighbors
they both made the trip towards a certain underwater kingdom, crossing through the barrier keeping the water from swallowing the structure whole

the bubble popped once they landed on solid ground, the fish and sea life roaming outside the barrier
the front doors to the kingdom opened to reveal a royal and tall figure, Ao Guang 

he looked down from above the stairs, At his son holding the injured cub

he narrowed his eyes with a glare, But they soon softened from the gentle gaze his son gaze in returnAo guang looked between his son and the injured cub who looked barely conscious

"Father, Please..."

His son begged, bowing his head as he held the cub a bit tighter

Ao Guang thinking it over before sighing heavily, turning away with a huff

"Very well, you may..
Ao bing.." the grateful and relieved gaze the young prince showed when he whipped his head up; lessened the tense atmosphere that was created upon his arrival

he then stood up as the doctors and nurses rushed in to try to take the cub away for healing, but the cub used their own bit of strength left to hold on tightly to ao bing
ao bing was a bit surprised but smiled softly, agreeing to accompany kito to the medical room as he held them in his arms

soon... the cub was taken over by exhaustion
falling into a deep and recovering slumber...

"goodnight, twilight... "

someone said...
a whisper...

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