good company

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The setting sun cast it's final glow across the land for the day, dimming to nothing more than darkness with a few peeks of color as the moon started to rise
The animals of day retreating to their area of slumber, the creatures of the night appearing before the starry sky itself

Yet, Something was afoot
A trail of fire flying through the air, weaving between the bushes and trees as it climbed the mountain
Once near the entrance, it formed into a familiar figure
Dissipating as it set foot on the ground, puffs of smoke floating until they couldn't be seen

It was the red boy himself, 9yrs of age and fixing his hair with a simple flip
He scanned the entrance of the cave with his eyes before thinking to himself for a moment, resting his finger under his chin with a hum
Before long, he started to draw something out on the ground next to the water with a stick
Concentrating and then smiling once the drawing was complete

Now to see if it works..."

He spoke to himself before getting into position

Not too far away though, His voice echoed through kito's ears
Causing the 8 multi-colored ears to twitch as their eyes returned to it's former pumpkin spice colors
Looking over their shoulder in surprise


The young half-breed demon wiggled his bull tail, getting into a runner's start as he smirked
Sharp teeth showing as his body began to spark

"Alright, HERE WE GO--!"

But as the bull child was activating the sigil he drew, the waterfall split open and revealed kito who then had their fur on end as they saw what red boy was doing

Red WAIT-"

But it was too late as both parties panicked and red son was launched forward from the magic he casted, turning into a fireball that vanished and reappeared before Kito
Crashing into one another that caused an explosion before both children rolled down the hall, scaring the nearby and local animals as the monkeys ran for their lives

Covered in debris and groaning as red son was over kito, he sat up a bit and saw kito in a yamcha pose looking dead
He was alarmed and rolled kito onto their back to check on them

Are you alright?!"

Red boy exclaimed in question as kito's eyes were sprialing with slurred speech, covered in soot and their fur a bit charred

"Whooo meee..?
Yeah, I'm alright-
Just need to close my eyes for a--

Was the last thing kito said before the young simian fell unconscious, Red freaking out and the noise drowned out for just a moment...
Kito's eyes then fluttered open
Having woken up a few minutes later, seeing they've been moved to a bed made out of leaves and a wet rag on their head

They groaned quietly which made a certain bull ear raise up a bit, foot steps rushing over as kito saw red son come into view
He kneeled down next to them and cupped their face gently, Checking for any missed injuries

Kito feeling guilty for making him worry before taking his hands into their paws, sitting up a bit and looking up at him

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