a father's love

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(Art by my friend/online mother: Lopsushi)

It's been 8 years that I have been following and seeing the absolute mistreatment of this poor kid...
The kid that came to me in a moment of desperation...
Needing someone to be there,
I'd never thought it would always be me of all demons...
You idiot...'

The six eared macaque thought as he held the twilight blue cub that cried themselves to sleep after a good hour or two of crying,
The six eared simian having a pained heart seeing the cub in so much pain
He would slowly get up from the flower filled field of lightning bugs,
Falling into a shadow portal with the cub in his arms to appear at his own temporary home
Setting the curled up cub in his bed and wiping the remaining tears left in Kito's eyes,
Hoping they would at least have good dreams to escape to from reality

Macaque didn't leave their side as he lays down next to the cub, Their tiny paw holding onto his ring and pinkie fingers which he found too cute to handle
But for now, He stayed calm for the sake of the cub's rest
He knew because of kito's 8 ears,
They barely got any chance to get some proper rest

In his home however,
He set up a special barrier that would block out not only people and other demons,
But sound as well
He lays there thinking about what he's seen upon the last 8 years watching over Kito,
The hidden resentment towards the group of pilgrims

Mainly 3 out of the 5,
Ao Lie and Sha Wujing seemed to be good individuals
Macaque's strife was mainly towards Wukong,
Tripitaka and Zhu Baije

He would often transform into different animals when wukong seemed too busy to pay attention to Kito,
Kito always excited when macaque comes around and the two retained it a secret between each other
Macaque would spend a lot of his time by kito's side,
Taking up the responsibility when Wukong couldn't or even when the king didn't want to
That doesn't mean Macaque didn't understand wukong's exhaustion when it came to being in the group but it doesn't excuse his awful behavior towards Kito,
Macaque always held witness to Wukong shutting Kito out as of recently,
Few months ago

Macaque had always wanted to just swipe Kito away from the scolding of tripitaka, The yelling of Zhu Baije and the dismissal of Wukong
Yet he was afraid...
Afraid to fight the king once again,
Considering what happened to his right eye...
He dare not to tell the cub about that,
Not wanting to fill their head and heart with anymore resentment they probably feel towards the 3

He recalls the times when Kito tried protecting Wukong from Tripitaka's chanting,
Wukong protecting kito from Tripitaka's punishments when kito had tried to fight the monk on multiple occasions

The tension between the demon bull family and The pilgrims growing strong for reasons left unknown to the children,
Macaque though had no reason to get involved with that directly
All he wanted to do was take kito away and give them a second chance at being a kid,
Not facing the injustice of the 3 that torn down their spirit bit by bit
He knew what he was doing now...
And he wasn't ready for what was about to conspire...

But for Kito...
He would do nearly anything just to see them smile again...
Macaque stayed awake for what seemed like hours,
Watching over Kito with his tail swaying from time to time
Kito's tail wrapped about Macaque's arm
Seeming smaller in comparison to his tail when he brought it up, He laughed a bit internally speaking
Seeming amused at it

He started to fall asleep,
Falling the fight to keep his eyes open and staring at Kito's sleeping figure
Their face seemed peaceful as their paw was still wrapped around his pinkie and ring finger,
He was glad he was able to provide comfort by just being there at their side,
Kito would never know: That them being there made him feel comforted too

He smiled a bit and finally allowed himself to sleep in the calm before the storm,
He knew kito probably felt it too,
But now...
Macaque was ready to face the king,
All to see the cub smile again and again and again

The following morning,
Macaque had woken up to a weight on his chest,
Opening his eyes to see kito sitting on all fours on his chest and stomach
Staring him down like a cat that sways it's tail,
Kito's 8 ears twitching individually
Macaque was dying inside from how cute the cub was and calmed down enough to speak

"Hey kiddo, Up already?"

The cub was happy to see Macaque awake and nuzzles their face against his,
Macaque bringing his arms up to hug Kito gently
Kito plopping and sprawled out to lay on top of him,
Their tail wagging in delight

Macaque started to scratch behind their smol ears in amusement and laughed to himself,
Looking down at the cub's face who's expression was a melted smile of joy and comfort

"Yeah, I had the most weirdest dream!
Wanna hear about it?"

Kito answered and Macaque shifted to lay on his side,
Still hugging the cub in his arms

"Sure, Tell me alllll about it.
I'll be going ahead to make breakfast though,
Want anything specific?"

He asked as he started to get up,
Kito hitching a ride on his back with their tail wrapped around his arm
Macaque getting up to go over to the makeshift kitchen to set fire to the fireplace under the makeshift stove,
Kito getting excited for breakfast

"Eggs and bread please!!
And water!"

Macaque nodded to the cub's request and smiled the entire time he cooked for both him and the cub

"If you want, we can go hunting later?
Just you and me in the open forest."

Kito's eyes sparkled and they nodded quickly


they chanted semi quietly to not hurt macaque's ears which they often did on accident,
Macaque elated to see them so excited
This was going to be a fun day...

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