Bouncing back

804 42 18

Blinking once, Blinking twice, three times
The rays of sunlight coming from the cracks of the tent was still too bright for a certain child's eyes, Ears twitching to the sound of snoring and chuffing nearby

Scanning in front of them was the monk, The pig, and the water buffalo sleeping in a pile across the tent
Kito smiling and giggling quietly from how silly the men looked before hearing a snore next to them, looking to their right to see a tiger's resting head as Kito was apparently resting against it's stomach

The odd patterns of the tiger along with the familiar scent kept Kito from going into a panic, They knew the tiger was just their Baba being protective in his sleep
From how soft his belly was, The young cub couldn't help but snuggle in more with a chirp and purr as their tail wagged

Upon hearing the chirps and purrs from the cub, The monkey king awoke from his slumber and lifted his head quickly to find Kito being active
"Good morning Baba!"
Kito greeted their baba quietly with a closed eye smile before getting licked across the face by the monkey king which caused them to bubble up with laughter

The monkey king transformed back into his original state, Embracing his cub into a hug which muffled the squeals coming from Kito
From how silent and long the hug was, The cub couldn't help but feel like something was wrong
"Baba, Has something bad happened..?"
Kito asked with concern as the side of their face was tucked into Wukong's chest

"Don't worry kid, It's resolved now...
No need to talk about it further..."
The monkey king replied to the young cub, giving Kito gentle ruffles upon their bushy hair and the cub purring with a tail wag in response
The monkey king picking up the cub and walking outside, sitting criss cross on a nearby flat rock and setting Kito on his lap facing away from him

Starting to groom aka clean the cub by beginning at the top of their head, Both the Simians feeling a big huff of air behind them before looking up to find a green dragon staring them down
Kito breaking into a big smile before raising their arms up
"Uncle Whiskers!!"

Bai Long Ma moved around the rock and lowered his head as he was engulfed in a green glow that caused Kito and Sun Wukong to shield their eyes, The glow subsiding to reveal a man in a green hanfu with a kind and soft expression accompanied by white hair put up in a bit of a manbun

Bai Long Ma cheered as he got on one knee with his arms open, Kito hopping off the monkey king's lap and landing into their uncle Whiskers' arms
The force of the catch knocking Bai Long ma onto his back but he didn't mind as he was being nuzzled by the young purring cub, He simply nuzzled back as the two embraced tightly

"You're okay!"
He cheered with a sigh of relief as he sat up and nuzzled Kito back, The cub once again obtained a puzzled expression at his words
Bai Long Ma's attention caught by Monkey King's waving arms and signaling Bai Long Ma to not mention anything

The Monkey king acting casual when Kito turned their head to look at him before looking back at Bai Long Ma with a raised brow; accompanied with a few ear wiggles
Uncle Whiskers looking back at Kito as he laughs nervously
"Well, Um-
Loved ones have a tendency to worry regardless of one another!
You... Just slept a bit longer than usual!"
He sorta lied as he rubbed the back of his head, avoiding eye contact for a second before looking back at Kito

The cub narrows their eyes at their uncle whiskers in suspicion as their tail flicks about, ears wiggling before softening their expression
"Oh, Okay!
I guess I was really tired then..?"
Kito concluded as they thought over it

Trying to remember when exactly they slept but having a foggy memory
'I guess I fell asleep at the village...
Why do I recall distant screams..?'
Kito thought as they scratched their head in question, Bai Long Ma and Monkey king exchanging glances before the king got off the rock as he cleared his throat to get the cub's attention

"How about we get you something to eat, bud?"
The mention of food made the cub's ears perk in excitement as their wagging tail was thumping against Bai Long Ma's face
"Yes, yes, yes!
What can we eat today?"

The Monkey king grew a grin across his face, taking out his magic staff and resting it across his shoulder as he held it with one paw
"I'm glad you asked!
How about we go fishing?"
The mention of water made Sha Wujing pop out of nowhere which spooked Bai Long Ma and The monkey king(who's fur when on end), Kito casually looking up at the water buffalo demon as they already heard him coming

Count me in!"
Sha Wujing exclaimed with a smile, the Monk and Zhu Bajie coming out the tent with a yawn
"Are you sure you don't just want a vegetarian platter, Kito?"
The monk suggested before seeing Kito just stick out their tongue in a bit of disgust

"Thanks but i don't think your monk ways are for me, I like eating meat!"
The cub replied with a cute smile as the monk simply sighed
"Very well, But please do keep the fish and blood away from me."
The monk asked of the group and Kito simply huffed in response

"Don't be such a baby, You'll be fine!"
Kito said as they hopped out of Bai Long Ma's arms, the group gasping at Kito's response as the monk looked a bit offended
"Mind your words, Little one!"
The monk exclaimed in a scolding sense, Kito looking up at him without a care as they scratched their cheek with their pointer finger

"I mean,
I'm not wrong..."
The Monkey king couldn't help but finally laugh his butt off as he hunched over, the others apart from the monk trying to contain their laughter as the monk was a bit upset
Kito simply having a proud smile

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