A promise through time...

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The elder stared with a glare that hid the nervousness she felt, Going to close the curtain but feeling it tug the other direction
Wukong who had gotten up in her face
"I want my cub back..."
He whispered with a hint of aggression behind his grit fangs, The monk grabbing Wukong's shoulder and pulling him back a bit
"Sun Wukong, Mind yourself!"

The sudden sound of high pitch giggles caught all their attention, The woman bolting into her house before Wukong forced the gate open and pulled the curtain aside
Seeing the elder cower in the corner, A tiny tail coming out the gap of her arms as it sways around

The king's gaze had widened a bit in realization as something else in the room caught his eye... though he looked back at the elder his expression softened a bit, Walking over to her and standing 3 feet away
"I can't... I won't let you take this from me!"

She exclaimed as she held the blue cub close, The cub chewing on it's own hair before it's gaze landed upon Wukong, It sprung into a giggling fit as it paws reached up in an attempt to grab him
"That child doesn't belong to you..."

Wukong had spoke with a stern tone accompanied by a hint of gentleness
"I can care for them like no one else could... I know I can... I can keep them safe..."
She quickly got up and turned away from Wukong, Trying to speed walk away as she squished the baby a bit in her embrace
"Away from you- All of you!"

She shouted quickly in defense as the baby looked over her shoulder to see Wukong, Wukong however wasn't about to let her go with the cub... He didn't have much of an option as he was about to walk after her
The cub seeing the king getting a bit far away caused it to whimper a bit before suddenly bursting into a crying fit

This made the woman stop in her tracks as Wukong and the elder' s expressions turned to one of shock
She felt the baby shift and squirm in her arms
"...What am I doing..?"
She started slowly as her tone was one of realization, easing into one of pain as she adjusts the baby in her arms, Holding it by it's torso

"You're not my boy..."
She told herself as tear drops formed at the corner of her eyes, Taking a shakey deep breath as she closed her eyes and held the baby out to Sun Wukong
Wukong raised his arms and gently took the baby into his arms, The baby's tears faded as it's expression turned to one of joy

It was in a giggling fit as it's tail wraps around his arm, Wukong having a relieved expression and instinctively nuzzled his cheek against the cub's face
Wukong's attention being caught by the sound of sniffling and he looks up, Seeing the elder hold her sobs back as she had the side of her half clutched hand against her lips

Wukong having a sense of guilt but knowing he can't give up the cub
"We can visit if you'd like-"
The sudden denial of his request made him jolt a bit as well as spooking the baby, The woman calming herself down a bit by taking a deep breath

"No... Don't pity me after what I tried to do... I don't deserve the kindness you reserved in your heart... I was selfish, I was rude, I was possessive of a child that was not my own... Even after you all spent so much time looking for them..."
She told as she did not want her terrible deeds to be defended, She wouldn't allow such a thing...

"You will take that child and never return here... Now!"
She demanded with a bit of hostility, Wukong using one hand to signal her to stop
"W-wait, Hold on!
Can't you at least say goodbye..?"
He asked and the woman froze... Her eyes widened as tears filled them once again

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