Chapter 8

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Jeremy, Patty and Burt were standing near the lighthouse's beacon. 

Victoria sat in a chair resting her injured leg.

"We must get this light working so the ship doesn't crash into the rocks" said Jeremy commandingly.

"But we can't. It doesn't even look fueled up" said Patty.

Then Burt got an idea. "Holy belly fat! Of course!"

"Belly fat isn't a real holy thing, Burt" said Patty.

"No, I read in the keeper's journal that the beacon runs on oil rendered from whale blubber" said Burt.

"Oh yes!" Victoria piped up. "He always stored it downstairs in metal canisters."

"Perfect! So we need to bring it up and..." Patty began.

She was about to head downstairs, but Victoria stopped her.

"Patty, dear, I appreciate you wanting to help, but we're in a crisis" she said. "Just let Jeremy and Burt handle this."

Now Jeremy was starting to suspect something. "Burt? A word."

"Yeah?" said Burt.

Jeremy took him to the side and whispered, "By Jeremy and Burt, did she mean the men?"

"I don't think he meant it like that" said Burt awkwardly.

"That whale oil is so heavy. So of course a man should lift it" said Victoria.

Jeremy looked at Burt with a face that said 'are you sure?'. 

"Apparently, she did" said Burt.

Jeremy sighed. "I shall get the oil. You two stay here and figure out the light."

"Got it" said Burt as Jeremy rushed downstairs.

"And hurry! The ship's getting closer" said Patty.

"Patty, darling. Please don't stress; it's bad for our complexion. A woman's face is her treasure, don't you know" said Victoria.

Burt was furious to hear someone say that to his best friend. 

"Victoria!" he scolded. "You are being really sexist right now. Patty can help me if she wants to."

"Thanks, Burt" said Patty with a smile.

"But Burt dear, I thought you loved that I was old fashioned" said Victoria.

"I didn't know you were an old fashioned jerk" said Burt. "Patty, would you like to help me?"

"I sure would, Burty!" said Patty with pep. "So what do we do?"

"We need to make a giant candle to get that beacon lit fast" Burt instructed.

"Here. Let's use this rope to make a wick" said Patty.

Just as she and Burt tied the piece of rope, Jeremy returned with a huge metal canister full of oil.

"Jeremy, I can't believe you lifted that!" Patty gasped.

"Pour it in the lantern quick" said Burt.

Jeremy did as told.

"Wait!" said Victoria. "The beacon is facing the wrong way. We need to rotate it so it points towards the ocean."

Patty tried to push the beacon, but it wouldn't move. 

"It's not moving" said said.

"It must be rusted in place" said Burt.

"Alright, so we need to grease it up. Jeremy, gimme my lotion" said Patty.

Jeremy tossed her a bottle of coconut scented lotion and Patty squirted some onto the base of the beacon to lubricate it.

Thanks to that, the reflector was slippery enough to rotate.

"It's moving!" said Burt.

"Patty, you did it!" said Jeremy.

Now they were finally able to light the beacon so the ship could turn away from the rocks.

"The ship sees the light! It's turning away" said Patty.

"We just saved hundreds of lives" said Jeremy.

"And the lighthouse now smells delightfully coconutty" said Burt. 

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