Teaser AU: Kamen Rider G Wizard: The Last Cetra

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In a dark room lit by a dim red light and a computer screen on the opposite sideof the room, a Caucasian teenager with black hair and eyes had just finishedplaying Final Fantasy VII.

He'd been satisfied, all the good things said about the game were true. But he admitted that the ending was bitter for him, for the same reason that the game had become so famous, Aerith's death.

He'd expected it, but her death did something to him all the same. He felt, despite what his sacrifice had achieved, that this death was unjust.


In the early afternoon of the following day, the teenager arrived at a game launch party. Once inside, he joined a crowd of people in front of a stage, but stayed a few meters back.

On the stage was a Japanese man in a black suit and purple tie, looking out at the audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen, sorry to have kept you waiting." Said the man drawing everyone's attention. "Today, the legendary game... Mighty Action X is finally finished!"

As the man said this, the title of the game and its main character were projected onto the wall behind him, and the room was filled with thunderous applause.

A few minutes later, the audience had dispersed to the various booths, from those selling the game to those selling goodies. The young man contented himself with going to the goodies stand and enjoying the party.

Suddenly, something happened. A child began to scream before being transformed into a giant orange mass made of a strange orange material.

Everyone panicked and left the scene. The teenager quickly ran as far away as he could, only to turn halfway back when he heard the sounds of a struggle. He could see a man in a kind of heavy black-and-white suit, with several pink plastic locks in his hair. At his waist was a green and pink belt.

The fight had fascinated him. It looked like a platform-game fight. However, he couldn't risk the fight coming to him and took to the runway again.


Eight years passed and the teenager was now a young man in his twenties, his affection for the Final Fantasy saga had grown and he had continued to play the games in his spare time.

He was currently sitting on his sofa, controller in hand, having just finished the story of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

He laid the controller on its side, sighed, and wiped away the tears that had fallen shortly before the battle against the final boss, which he hadn't taken the time to wipe away.

"Bloody hell... Square you really are bastards for getting our hopes up."

Indeed, despite the fact that the previous opus had made them destroy destiny in order to free themselves from the constraints of the previous game's story, Aerith had indeed died again in the game. But this time it wasn't just a death; she had become a kind of opposite of Sephiroth. But unlike Sephiroth, she had no way of incarnating, she would no longer be able to accompany her friends, she would no longer be with Cloud, which meant, in a way, that she would no longer be with him.

Then he received a message on his phone. He looked at it, and it was something rather strange, more like a Twitter poll.

"Do you want to change that?



He didn't really understand the meaning of this message. But in doubt, with the context, he only touched the "yes" icon with his finger.

I Never Let Her Die! (Aerith x Male Gamer Reader)Where stories live. Discover now