Disk 01: Chapter 13: South to Gongaga

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After Warden Coates convinced Cloud to ride in the chocobo races, I was surprised to discover that unlike the game, they didn't force the rest of us to wait in the prison itself until the race was over. While we were guarded, the entire party was allowed to go back up top in order to watch the race firsthand. We were placed in a small booth with guards outside the door. At the front of the booth was an enormous window looking down onto the track.

After perhaps fifteen minutes, Esther came to speak with us. "Your friend is all set and ready." She said. "The race starts in five minutes."

"Cloud's never raced before..." Tifa complained. "Do you really think he's got a chance?"

"Oh yes. I've given him the fastest, smartest chocobo the park owns, and this is a fifth-seed race, so everyone else will be riding slow, dumpy, kind of dumb birds. He'll win easily."

"I think they just want us to leave before we embarrass them for the false arrest, but they still won't break their own rules." Aerith said.

"Aye lass." Cait agreed. "That fits Dio to a tee."

"Where is this Dio anyway?" Barrett grumbled. "Man should apologize in person."

"Mister Dio is a very busy man." Esther answered. "But I think he's left a note for you all once Cloud wins the race."


The race started on schedule, and it was quickly apparent that Ester was almost correct: Of the seven other birds Cloud was racing against, six were slow, dumpy, and proved no threat whatsoever. The seventh though, was a different tale. That particular bird was quick and aggressive, and it's jockey was the same. Cloud pushed hard at the first, seeking to gain a lead, but seemed to see the error of trying to push all the way and backed off slightly. This gave his rival the lead, to the dismay of our entire group, except for Red.

"Don't worry just yet." Red said. "Cloud is exercising good judgment here. If that other jockey keeps pushing the way he is, his bird will become exhausted soon. Cloud will then be able to pass him by."

Yuffie replied "I hope so. I really don't wanna have to go back to that prison."

"I doubt that'll happen lass. Most likely they'll just keep us locked in here until Cloud does win a race."

"If worse comes to worse, I'm sure Red can produce a few grenades out of nowhere." I said. "These walls don't look very tough..."

"No." Red agreed. "They don't. Let's keep that for a last resort though, shall we?"

"Look!" Tifa exclaimed. "Red called it, the other fast choco is slowing down!"

Everyone crowded back to the window and watched as Cloud sailed past the now weak chocobo and it's angry jockey, and rushed to the finish line.

"He did it!" Yuffie shouted.

"Choco-head wins a choco-race..." Barrett laughed. "We can't even let him live that down y'all..."

The doors opened and one of our guards stepped in. "Message from Mister Dio: Your friend has won, so you're free to go. If you'll come with me, I'll show you to the locker rooms so you can congratulate him..."


We met Cloud just outside the locker rooms a few minutes later. Barrett and I shook his hand and all three of the ladies hugged him. Red remained, as always, aloof, and Cait simply danced atop his moogle. Esther congratulated Cloud heartily and offered to represent him if he ever decided to race professionally. "Oh, and I'm supposed to give you this!" she said, handing him an envelope.

I Never Let Her Die! (Aerith x Male Gamer Reader)Where stories live. Discover now