Disk 02: Chapter 20: Reunion (Not That One)

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Denah led us through the dense jungles, heading north-northeast, towards the location of the nearest settlement of Red's people. "It won't be long now." She said. We've perhaps another mile to go."

"Nervous?" I asked Red who was walking by my side.

"Petrified." He honestly replied. "I know nothing of the cultural rules and mores of this tribe. What if I make a fool of myself?"

"You're overthinking." Aerith said. "Just like someone else here tends to do." She grinned at me. "You'll do fine Red. Just be yourself."

"Be myself... Could that work?"

"He's nervous alright." Denah said. She stopped and turned, put a paw on Red's shoulder. "I've seen nothing in your behavior that would be a problem in our society. Take courage. You'll do fine."

"Thank you."

"Good. Now let us go..."


We reached the village a short time later. It filled a large roughly circular clearing, and was constructed of single-story brick buildings with wooden roofs. I wondered briefly how beings without hands had managed to build things like this, but decided to let it go. After all, Red had shown a surprising ability to do things that didn't seem possible, not the least of which being his mystery storage space.

As I looked around, taking in the view, I quickly noticed that every individual in the village had noticed our arrival. They were all staring straight at us. As one, they moved towards us, stopping perhaps twenty feet away. Denah stepped forward. "Nanaki, from Cosmo Canyon." She announced. "And his familiars."

"Familiars?" Aerith whispered.

"Trust me on this." Denah whispered back.

The largest villager, an ancient-looking male, stepped forward. "Welcome Nanaki. I am Trajor. Long has it been since we heard word from your tribe... Before even I was born!" Several laughed at this last comment. "Yet, we have never forgotten the names of those who departed to begin a new tribe... How do they fare?"

"I fear you behold all that remains." Red answered.

"Tragic." Trajor said. "I am sorry for your losses."

"As am I... But it has been a long time... And, I have something to return to someone here." Red bowed his head forward, revealing the hairpin we had found on the skeleton. "We found this with the remains of one of your people. I am seeking the owner's nearest kin."

Trajor looked closely at the pin. "Hmmm... Yes, it must have been Kaylark you found. Her brother is out hunting, but this will be given to him when he returns. If I may ask, where did you find the body? She vanished long ago."

"In the jungle, some ways west of here." Red answered. "We burned the bones before continuing on."

"Thank you for that." Trajor nodded. He looked around, then said "Come, we shall dine, and you can tell me of your journey..."


===Begin Third-Person P.O.V: Cid===

Cid stood on the Highwind's bridge, looking down to the ground far below. They were heading west, towards Junon, and for the fourth time he dialed Tifa's phone. "C'mon, pick up already." He thought. "You gotta be done with the stupid wreck by now..."

As Cid was about to give up, Tifa finally answered. "Cid? Hello?"

"About damned time! Where you all been!?"

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