Disk 01: Chapter 26: The Don and I

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Don Coreno stared at Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith. A funny look crossed his face, and I was sure he recognized them and was about to start screaming in fear. Then he said "Do I know you? You look familiar, but I can't quite place you..."

Tifa glanced at Cloud. Raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?" she murmured.

"This guy's even dumber than I remember." Cloud answered.

Meanwhile, Coreno continued to babble. "Well, you all can be leaving now, whoever you are. I've got no time for this right now you see. Choices to make and all, a wife to choose..." He turned to face Yuffie and Elena, who were tied up on the floor. "And what a choice it is!" He said, bouncing excitedly.

"This again?" Cloud asked, exasperated.

"You guys! Get me outta here!" Yuffie shouted. "Come on, the materia thing was just a joke, honest! Funny, see?"

"Maybe we should let Coreno keep her." Tifa said. "It'd be a just punishment both ways."

"I HEARD THAT!" Yuffie shrieked.

"Oh calm down." Barrett told her. As he was speaking, there came a sound of something crashing in from somewhere in the building behind us. Shinra soldiers hunting Coreno, of course.

Coreno clapped his hands and a pair of large bouncer-types appeared from a far doorway. "I'll be making my decision elsewhere." He said to them. "Please escort my prospects out." Each of the men picked up one of the women and started for the door.

"Now hold on!" Cloud yelled. "Stop right there!"

Coreno turned, seemingly surprised. Apparently when he had dismissively told us to leave and turned away, he thought we had obeyed. "What? You're still here? Who are you people anyway?"

"We'll give you three hints." Cloud said. "Beat."

"Smash." Aerith added.

"Crush." Tifa finished.

Coreno's eyes grew wide with fear. "YOU!" he exclaimed. "Help! Help!" Coreno started to run away, heading for a side door. Before he got there, the door blew inward off of it's hinges and a trio of Shinra infantry rushed in.

"There he is! Don Coreno!" The lead soldier announced. "Capture him!"

Coreno turned on a dime and ran the other way, past us and towards the door his henchmen had exited through. Cloud and Vincent moved to stop him, but this proved to be a mistake. Not only did the Don get past them, but the soldiers mistook their movements for an attempt to protect him. "The Don has bodyguards!" One soldier said, and they all rushed to attack us.

The ensuing battle was best described as a 'curb-stomp.' Had the Shinra men been Soldier things would have been rougher, but simple infantry was no match for the eight of us. It took less than three minutes for all of them to be beaten and restrained. Of course, that still left Coreno with plenty of time to get ahead of us...


=== Begin Third-Person P.O.V. : Yuffie ===

Yuffie woke up to find herself tied to the side of a Da Chao statue's head. The ropes binding her were tight, and one of Coreno's henchmen was working on the second set of ropes tying her to the rock. She looked to her right and saw Elena in a similar position. The man tying Elena's ropes finished first and came to aid his partner.

While they worked, Coreno was gloating over his 'victory.' "And now I'm free!" he said. "I need only choose my wife and all will be perfect!"

"Are you mental!?" Elena demanded. "I mean seriously, what is wrong with you?"

I Never Let Her Die! (Aerith x Male Gamer Reader)Where stories live. Discover now