Disk 02: Epilogue: Until We Meet Again

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The Gold Saucer. After the battle was over, Cid had insisted upon returning here to celebrate. By late evening, the pilot was drunk off his rocker, and Barrett was well on his way to getting there. Everyone else had at least a little more restraint, save for Tseng who didn't drink at all, Yuffie who tried to and wasn't allowed, and Vincent who had vanished before we even got to the park.

"Where do you suppose he went?" Aerith asked me as we stood, watching Cid make a fool of himself.

I shrugged. "Who can say? I rather expect he's gone looking for Lucrestia."

"I hope so. I'd hate to think he's gone back to that coffin. And that does seem like the most likely alternative for him."

"He's afraid of himself. Or at least of Chaos and the other monsters inside him. Even if he does find Lucrestia, he'll probably go back there eventually."

Leaning into me, Aerith sighed. "The poor man. I wish we could help somehow."

Before I could answer, we came across Cloud and Tifa, who motioned for us to join them at their table. As I sat down Cloud asked "So what happens now?"

"I honestly don't know. With Jenova gone, the events that might have happened otherwise are impossible."

"Gaia can rebuild now." Tifa said. "Without the threat hanging over us. No Jenova, no Shinra."

"There'll have to be a government of some kind though." Cloud said. "And that's what worries me."

Aerith asked "What about Reeve? He's got the know-how, and we know we can trust him."

"We'll talk to him." Cloud said.

For awhile we talked of little things, but eventually Yuffie joined us, along with Red and Denah. The ninja was gripping about the waiters. "They won't let me have anything!"

"You mean they won't let you have alcohol." Red countered.

"EXACTLY!" Yuffie screamed. "I'm old enough!"

"You're sixteen."

"And I just helped save the freakin' world! Surely that counts for something!"

"Why don't you try pulling rank?" Denah suggested. "You are a princess after all."

A mischevous look came over Yuffie's face. "Say, that's a thought..." She turned and rushed away.

"I swear I did not mean for her to take that seriously." Denah said.

Everyone laughed, as I said "And there's no way she ever would have interpreted it any other way."

To Red and Denah, Cloud asked "What about you two? What are your plans?"

"I considered accompanying Denah back to the Ancient Forest." Red answered. "But we both feel that would be premature."

"Yes. There is much to do in the outside world." Denah agreed. "And the issue of Jenova, though no longer on Gaia, still free and posing a threat somewhere in the multiverse. I would not be comfortable returning home until I know the danger has been decisively concluded."

Later, again walking through the crowd, we met Barrett. Aerith asked after his plans. "Pretty simple, really." He answered. "Gonna pick up Marlene, be a father again. That's all that matters. Though, I might settle back in Corel... With everything we picked up on this crazy ride I got the money t' maybe do some good."

Overhearing our discussion, Tseng joined us. He said "I know how you feel about me Mr. Wallace. But, I would like to come to Corel as well. Nothing I do can make up for what happened before, I know this. But what kind of man would I be if I didn't try?"

Barrett eyed Tseng warily, but finally said "Just stay out of my way once you there."

"What about the rest of your Turks?" Aerith asked.

"I expect Elena will be by my side." Tseng said.

"Damn right." Elena answered. "As for Reno and Rude, they've been talking to Reeve through that cat-thing. Something about a Restoration Initiative."

"Reeve?" I said. "We should have a word with him as well."

Approaching Cait, we saw Reno and Rude still speaking. Well, Reno speaking. Rude was his usual quiet self. "It's not a bad idea yo." Reno was saying. "Maybe a little too wimpy for me though."

"Wimpy?" Reeve's voice spoke through the moogle. "This will be a global initiative, repairing the damage of the last thirty years."

"Aye lad. Lot's of bad guys t' beat up I'm sure." Cait agreed.

"Hell yeah!" Exclaimed Cid, stumbling over with Shera in tow. "We've already agreed!"

"Maybe." Reno mused. He looked at Aerith and I. "What about you two?"

"We've not made any decisions yet." Aerith answered.

"Well you're both welcome in the W.R.O. Once I get it up and running." Reeve answered.

"Thank you Reeve." Aerith said.

"But I expect it's only a matter of time before Materia comes calling after me again." I added. "Or Minerva."

As if speaking Minerva's name was a portent, she herself appeared before us in a blinding flash of light. "Indeed you are correct." She said.

Aerith bowed deeply. "Lady Minerva. For what do we receive this honor?"

Minerva smiled. "Would it not be improper for me to fail to honor those who saved my world? You, all of you, are the champions of Gaia. You have the gratitude of not only myself, but also Gaia, and all of the Cetra who remain in the lifestream to guide it's power. Indeed, I have a gift for you daughter of Ifalna."

Aerith glanced down at the Heart of Gaia, retracted and clipped to her belt. "Actually, I'm still trying to figure out how to work your previous gift. It's done some unexpected things..."

"All will be revealed in time." Minerva answered. "For now, though, this new gift is temporary, but requires no learning. Someone wishes to say hello to you."

From behind, a voice I did not recognize said "Hello sweetie."

Aerith stiffened, turned Slowly to see the source of the words, which proved to be a woman who looked a great deal like Aerith, though perhaps twenty years older. "...Mother...?" Aerith rushed forward and the two embraced, both in tears.

"How I've longed for this." Ifalna whispered. "I'm so proud of who you've become."

As she stepped back Aerith said "You can't stay, can you?"

Ifalna shook her head sadly. "No. But I'll be watching. And waiting when your time does come. A very, very long time from now. As she faded away, she looked to me and said "You take good care of my daughter."

"I will." I promised, but she was already gone.

Aerith turned back to Minerva, eyes still moist. "Thank you."

"Of course." Minerva paused for a moment, then continued "I have another reason for coming to you. Materia's council has determined the identity of the world Jenova has fled to. It is a timeline variant of Earth."

"Earth!?" I was shocked. "Strange choice for Jenova, Earth doesn't have much magic for her to steal."

"I expect it was a blind leap rather than a choice she made." Minerva answered.

"I suppose you'll be wanting us to go there now."

"Someone has to go. The world in question must be protected. And this world's armed forces could soon be overtaken by Jenova."

"I'm game." I said. "Though can it wait 'til morning?"

Of course I do. And... I hope you'll be ready to face any obstacle that comes your way. Whether it's Jenova... or the people of this world." Minerva explained

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