501 14 4

3rd person pov :

It's been two weeks since the party and it's been two weeks that Jenson couldn't stop thinking about something... And Mark and Fernando have noticed it, and they became worried. So they make the decision to talk with him about this. They wait him in the kitchen and when he finally comes back from his walk they immediately ask him what was going on.

At first Jenson denied all and try to change the subject but it just make the 2 boys in front of him more worried. So they continued to ask what happened, and what was the reason he seems so much in his thoughts recently and why he seems to avoiding them...

- Jenson ? Ask Mark softly after they stay silent for a moment
- I'm sorry...
- Why Jense ? Tell us please... we can't help you if we don't know what happened and we can see that's since a moment you're not the same.
- I... I ... I don't know how to tell you that. I'm so sorry...
- Take your time,don't worry.

Jenson start crying which makes his boyfriends even more worried. What could possibly happened with Jenson which could make him so stressed and tired... They 3 of them stayed like that in silent, with Fernando and Mark hugging Jenson still crying.
After 15 minutes Jenson break the embrace and look at his shoes, not daring to look at his boyfriends before saying:

- I'm sorry but I think I'm in love with someone else...

He was expecting the two men in front of him to shout at him, to be angry or something like that, but nothing of this happened... Mark and Nando were surprised but not that much like they realised something have changed in their relation so ... but anyway Jenson was surprised to not hear them shouting and finally dare look at them.

They were smiling at him and in front of this Jenson was surprised.

They talk about this for the rest of the day and quickly realised that the love between Nando and Mark,and Jenson wasn't here since some time now... It was more a strong friendship and sex than real love . They decided to let Jense go on his own. The three of them were happy to have talking about this and they were all agree for the solution to be this one, it was the best for them.

This take an hour so the rest of the day to find who was Jenson's crush and make a plan to put them together. And also to find a way to say this to the rest of the grid. And after a while seeking for the best way Jenson just takes his phone and sent a quick text to the group chat

F1 chaos 🏎✨

Jense: hey guys just to tell you that I'm not with Mark and Nando anymore

Brittney: what happened?

Multi 21: we just realised that between us and Jenson there wasn't love anymore

El nano: but we're still friends and we talking about this all the day it was a commun decision

Jense : and I think I love someone else so... yeah it was better for the three of us!

Gridmum: ok guys we all respect your decision

Everyone: of course!

Jense : thanks guys

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