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Jenson's pov:

We all waited for the pizzas to be cooked around some beers or soda.
We were talking about our memories with the others. From our young age to our latest years in formula one.
Many of us laughed at those memories and some were moved.

After a while the pizzas were ready so we cut them and started to eat. Lando put on some music and now we were all dancing and singing, or for those who didn't do it, laughing because of how bad it was .

Kimi and Seb announced their couple and we were so happy for them even if the majority of us already know or have doubts . I look at Mark and Fernando and I kiss them to let the others know we are together.

Of course my kids and Fernando's were already in on the secret but they were really happy for us. Like the others obviously. I saw Lewis and Nico exchange a look at our announcement but I couldn't know why... Wait ! I know why ! It's so obvious these two are together why we didn't see it before... They didn't say anything so I'm not sure but for me it's pretty clear.

Later, the pizzas had been eaten and everyone was a bit drunk... even Seb and some youngsters who profited Seb didn't look at them to drink some alcohol.

Max and Pierre especially were pretty drunk and started to yell at each other. About Charles?! I searched for Charles but I didn't find him immediately and when I finally found him the 2 boys were already fighting. Charles and Daniel run to separate them.

Pierre has his nose in blood and Max have blood in his hands and he hold his nose too.

I saw Esteban quickly run out of the house with Théo following him. I look at Romain who rassure me with a regard meaning don't worry. He talk to Lance and Mick in showing them the place Esteban was gone before go see Pierre. They have a little conversation before go upstairs, without doubts to cure Pierre's bloody nose.

Theo's pov:

When I see these two idiot fight I quickly look at Esteban. He was fixed by fear and he could see he started to have a panic attack. He ran out of the house so I followed him.

He was sitting on the corner of the terrace when I joined him. I tried to calm him but I knew he wouldn't calm down easily. I took my phone and sent a text to Romain because I needed help.

Two minutes later I heard the door open and Mick and Lance joined me next to Esteban. They started to talk with him and Mick sat down next to Esteban. Esteban ran in his arms so Mick hugged him and reassured him.

Lance and I were always talking to Esteban and making sure it would be okay for him.

We rested here for maybe 30 minutes and it took 15 minutes for Esteban to be entirely calm. Now he was asleep in Mick's arms. We help him to put Esteban in bed and we left the room when we heard Este's tired voice:

_ Please stay...

I saw Mick and Lance look at me like they didn't believe what he said so I told them to rest with a head mouvement.
I knew he was talking about Mick and Lance so I let them join him to bed and I went down to join the others.

We haven't seen those three for the rest of the night.

The rest of the party ended without problem and everyone was now in bed. I slept in Romain's room because I didn't want to disturb the trio in my room, and Fernando was already in Mark and Jenson's room so Romain's room had a free bed.

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