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Seb pov:

When I arrive at the hospital, 10 minutes later, I walk directly to the receptionist to ask him where Max was. After two minutes to try to convince him that I was from Max's family, he let me know where Max is, so I move to join him in the room. He's sit on the little bed and wait for the results of his test. He has a broken wrist and a splint on his left knee but it's all fortunately ! Well he has some little cut but it doesn't look bad.

- Hey ! You're good?
- Hey, yes don't worry it's not that bad it doesn't really hurt ! Thanks to came pick me up !
- Of course I'm sure you minimise your pain... Max it's okay and normal to be in pain when you have an accident.
- Yeah I know but I'm habit of being hurt so it doesn't hurt now !
- What do you mean Max ?
- Max... please tell me I want to help you
- It's nothing don't worry...
- Someone hit you ?
- It's past so it doesn't matter now... It was when I was kid
- Your father?
- ... yes...

He start to tell me all the story and how bad his father treated him when he was only a child. And I start to walk along the room to try who calm me down. His voice is broken when he finishes

- I will kill this asshole !
-No...please he is still my father...
-No Max ! A father doesn't do that! Starving his boy! Force him to train for hours ! In dangerous meteorological conditions ! Even if is sick or tired! Hit him when he doesn't finish first ! Or when he made a bad race ! No Max... this is not like a father has to act ...
- Don't be mad at me please .... Seb...
- Max... Kid... I will never be mad at you! You don't do anything! It's Jos the only one I'm mad at...
-Thanks Seb. Thanks to being here. Thanks to not judge me. Thanks to be a better father than my own father...
-I will ever be with you Max. I will never judge you... And the others drivers too! And let's say that now you have two fathers: Christian and Me. We never will let you or act like Jos, I promise !

He will answer something but at the same time a doctor enter with the results of Max's test:

- So Mister Verstappen... your results are good so you can live the hospital right now if you want. But you're not allowed to drive for two weeks... Understand?
-Yes !
- Good so... I let you this and your medicine and you can leave after you sign the form at the reception. Next time be careful on the road.
- Okay and don't worry I will be careful now !
- I Hope ! Goodbye
- Goodbye

The doctor left, Max pact his stuff and go to the receptionist sign the form. Then we go to my car and I drive at his home.After a short time I finally ask why he was on the hospital:

- Oh ! Hum... I drove a little bit faster because I was angry and I loose the control of my car and hit a wall...or it was a tree ? I don't remember...
- Oh Max ... Why was you angry ? What happened in the movie night?
- It's just... Dan et Antonio look so close and I don't know...
- You're jealous?
- No? I don't know he's only my best friend but..
- You love him and want more ?
- Maybe...
- And what about Charles?
-Charles?! He hate me !
- And you ?
- I hate me too
- Oh Max ...
-I'm joking Seb don't worry!
-Maybe too...
- Oh I see... talk to them then
- I can't! Dan is with Antonio ! And I don't want to ruin our friendship... And Charles only start to not hate me with me so I'm not gonna ruin that !
- Yeah but you can't keep it for yourself.
-Yeah ... Goodbye Seb and Thanks you to pick me up ! Talk to you later !

He says before quickly go out my car and go on his house. I sigh before made my way back home.
I had to arrange the situation between them!

When I arrived at home I look at my phone and see all the text in the groupchat... They are fighting?! For... who is the best between Iron man and Captain America?! Again?!
Those kids will kill me one day !

I decide to not answer in the groupchat and go to run in the forest close to my house.

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