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Oscar's pov :

Today it's the last day of 2023 so we decided to go to a nightclub to party.

But for now it's only 2 p.m. and we have something else to celebrate : Logan's birthday!

Lewis and Seb had made a delicious meal and Yuki cooked a beautiful cake! It was delicious and Logan was really surprised and happy that we didn't forget his birthday.

For now he is unwrapping his present. And he looks very happy with all of them. I'm a bit scared about mine because, unlike the others, he didn't cost much...

He receives video games, a camera, some clothes, tickets for football matches and a beautiful silver bracelet from Lewis.

He opened mine last. As soon as he opens it, he smiles and has joyful tears in his eyes. It's a little keychain with a mini formula one car on it and a photo frame with a picture of us with our friends.

_ Oh Oscar ! How ? I broke it 3 years ago...

_ I know... I just asked your mom if it was again in your room and if it was possible that she sent it to me. And I did all I could to repair it because I know it's important for you and how sad you were when you broke it.

_ Thanks Os !

He hugged me and I saw Lando laughed at me because I was blushing.

Afterwards, we all go into our room to prepare ourselves for the party.

When everyone was ready we made our way to the nightclub. It was only 8 p.m so we took a table and ordered some drinks.

Seb's pov:

We have been here for 3 hours now, and the boys start to get drunk... Well apart from me, Esteban, Romain, Antonio, Nicholas, and some others among the youngest: Théo, Paul et Ollie notamment, all have at least 6 drinks.

For now the olders make a shot competition, obviously Jenson, Mark, Fernando, Lewis and both Nico have already given up so it is between Kimi,Valterri, Daniil, Checo, Kevin and Marcus.

Daniil, Checo and Marcus didn't take a long time to give up too. And Valtteri stop to go with Nyck and Guanyu. Kevin stopped after a 25th shot.

At some point the boys were all dancing and had fun. But two men started to fight because of alcohol.

Some men tried to separate them but it took a long time. I watched for the kids and I saw that Esteban was not good at all. I wasn't the only one who had noticed because Théo and Romain were already at his side and the rest of the youngest looked at him worriedly. Why is somebody always fighting next to him!

Hopefully it wasn't a big panic attack so Romain managed to calm him fast enough.

When Esteban was totally good the kids started to ask him questions:

_ Are you okay? (Mick)
_ What happened?(Charles)
_ It's okay, everything is good don't worry!  (Esteban)
_ No Esteban, it's not good ! It's the second time you have a panic attack because of people's fighting! (Max)
_ It's nothing...(Esteban)
_ No! Putain mais Este tu te rends compte ?! Ça fait 2 fois en deux semaines que tu fais une putain de crise d'angoisse à cause de ça ! (Pierre)
_ Guys calm down please! It will not be better if you scream at him ! (Lewis)
_ Este... Is it because of your ex ? (Lance)
_ No ! I told you don't worry I'm okay! (Esteban)
_ No obviously you're not ! (Daniel)
_ Leave me alone! Putain !( Esteban)
_ We try to help you ! (Lando)
_ I don't need help ! (Esteban)
_ Fine... since now don't count on you if you need help! (Max)

Max starts to live and asks the rest of them if they want to come with him or rest here.
After that the youngest but Théo leave to go sit at a table. They are really angry at Esteban . I know they are worried about Esteban but the way they act it's not right. Esteban doesn't deserve to be let alone by them...

At the same time the countdown for the new year started. And everyone but our group shouted happily:

_3...2...1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!

The youngsters' group toast to the New Year. And laughed of Lando when he spill his drink on his shirt.

I heard Mark murmured next to me:

_ What a good way to start the year....


Happy new year!
I hope you have a better night than Esteban and the rest of the group...
Btw I'm sick so my night isn't going well either.

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