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F1 chaos🏎️✨:

Fashion icon : I have a question

Streamer child 🎮 : ?

Fashion icon : So who is still single and who is a couple?

Multi 21: Mark, Nando and me are together

Sir Lewis 🤴🏾: well me and Nico R are getting married...

Gridmum: I'm with Kimi

Albono: George and me are a couple

Italian Jesus: I'm not single

Honey badger 🦡🍯: yes and I still want to know with who...

Canadian boy 🇨🇦🍁: so appart those who answered and Esteban, we are all single?

Estie bestie : Well I'm single too

Baguette brûlée 🥖 : oh you and Luke broke up ?

estie Bestie : yeah 👍🏻

Esteban pov :

I felt bad about lying to them but I knew that if they knew the truth they would never leave me alone. And I still love Luke...

Luke texted me four days ago, he apologized and he told me he has changed. He regrets all the things he did to me and wanted to make an effort and prove to me he loves me.

I decided to forgive him, and for now he is very nice with me. He even sent me a present for Christmas, a beautiful necklace with our initials on it.

I was on the phone with Luke when Théo entered the room.
When he understood the person on the phone was Luke he took my phone and hung up the call.

_ Are you fucking serious ?! Theo ?!
_ NO ! Are YOU fucking serious?! Why ?! You are lying to all ! And you're still with this asshole?! Do I have to remind you what he did to you? He almost killed you...
_ Théo PUTAIN je l'aime qu'est-ce que tu comprends pas. Il a changé j'te jure !
_ Este... Tu sais aussi bien que moi que ces gens-là ne changent pas. S'teuplait Este quitte le pour de bon
_ Putain mais mêle toi de ton cul c'est bon là ! C'est pas parce que personne veut de toi qu'il faut que tu m'empêches de sortir avec qui je veux.
_ T'es sérieux là ?
_ Ouais c'est pas de ma faute si t'es tellement laid et débile que personne ne veut de toi.
_ Tu sais quoi ?! VA TE FAIRE FOUTRE PUTAIN! Et viens pas te plaindre quand cet enfoiré redeviendra le fils de pute qu'il a toujours été !

After he said that he left the room with tears in his eyes. I instantly regretted what I said, I knew he hadn't confiance in him and like an idiot I said exactly what his father said to him.


I know he's right but I'm not ready to break up with Luke. I'm to afraid for this and I think I still love him...

Romain's POV :

I heard Esteban and Théo argue up the stairs so I decided to go to their room to see what's going on. I was at their floor when I saw Théo rush out the room crying. I followed him and he went downstairs to the gaming room . This one was always empty, the boys preferred to play in the one up the stairs.

I quickly texted Victor to come and I sat down next to Theo, trying to stop his panic attack. Victor arrived not longer after and we managed to calm Théo.

When Théo was calm we asked him what happened.
I couldn't believe Esteban lying to us and being an asshole to Theo... He knew what happened with Theo's father and used the same words as him against Théo...
I saw Victor was very angry and ready to beat up Esteban.

I told him to stay with Théo and I went to Esteban.

_ We need to talk.

I told him directly, he looked at me crying and ask me :

_ Is he okay? I'm so sorry... I have been such an asshole... I don't think what I said... I was just angry and... I don't have an excuse
_ Hey it's okay. He's fine now but you should apologize to him.
_ Of course I will ! Where is he ?
_ He is in the gaming room with Victor. But for now we had to talk so you stay here.
_ But...
_ No you stay here. You will apologize later.

_ Why are you lying to us?
_ I don't know... I'm sorry...
It's just... I knew you wouldn't leave me alone if I'm still with him...
_ Esteban, I know you think he has changed but just promise that if he is an asshole with you, you tell me this and I will help you.. okay ?
_ You're not trying to make me break up with him immediately?
_ I know you won't do it and lie to me so just promise me this.
_ I promise.

I hug him and we join Théo downstairs. Esteban apologized and Théo forgave him but we knew that Théo didn't totally forgive him. He knows Esteban said that because he was angry and doesn't think it but it still hurts him.

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