545 11 0

TW ⚠️ : self mutilation, toxic relationship, panic attack, tca

Golden retriever renamed « 🦀 » as " kids"
Golden retriever kicked Esteban
Golden retriever renamed all the person

Pierre: thanks Mick

Lance : why did you kick Este ?

Mick : Pierre can u explain now ?

Pierre : oh yes ! Tbh I'm worried about Este...

Charles: same he's weird a lot recently

Max : I regret to have arguing with him at new year...

Lando : yes we shouldn't have let him alone

Carlos : we should have tried to make him speak to us

Theo : why are you worried now Pierre ?

Pierre : I'm sorry to not have been there for him, but he and Romain are so weird... Seb and u too Theo tbh

Theo : why ?

Pierre: we don't have health control at the hospital for nothing so now tell us the truth...

Victor : was he really at the hospital first ?

Theo : yes

Lance : why ?

Theo : idk...

Logan : really?

Theo : yeah...

Theo : but came back to my question! Pierre why you are worried about Este ?

Pierre: He's avoiding everyone, he looks tired and scared all the time, he barely eat something, plus his panic attack and the hospital...

Pierre : and when we are training he has a lot of difficulties to do even half of what he does normally... he almost fainted one time

Oscar :  one of u guys should try to talk to him, if he doesn't sleep or eat it's bad really...

Lando : yeah... he will put himself in danger if he drives in this state...

Theo : I know... but I don't know what to do

Pierre : I will talk to him as soon as I can, probably at Bahreïn

George: take us informed

Pierre : I will

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