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It had been two days after everything had happened, Max was in the hospital in critical condition but she was alive. Eddie had died in the upside down. And Hawkins was going crazy.

Del was helping Nancy move her old stuff into the car.

"Someone order a pizza?" Karen asked as a pizza van drove up the driveway.

"Pizza?" Dustin asked.

The van door opened and El, Mike, Will, Jonathan and Argyle stepped out.

"Mike!" Delilah breathed heavily and ran to him, holding him into a tight hug. He pulled her into his chest.

"I'm never leaving your side ever again" he told her smiling although tears made his eyes glossy.

Del pulled away so that she could turn her attention to Will and El. She pulled them both close to her and sighed a breath of relief "I am so glad you're okay".

Jonathan hugged the girl next, wrapping his arms comfortably around her neck "Jonathan..." she tried to tell him.

"This isn't an earthquake. I know. We know a lot more than you think" he told her.

"How? We've been trying to call you..."

"I know and I am so sorry, Del"

She shook her head "I'm just happy that you're not hurt".

"Where's Lucas?" Will asked.

"He's at the hospital" Dustin explained.

"Was he hurt?" El asked concerned.

"No. No, he's... Oh God. You don't know" Dustin sighed.

When they arrived at the hospital, they saw Lucas reading to Max who still was unconscious in the bed, she had casts on both arms and both legs and she was in a neck brace.

"Oh my God" Lucas spoke when he noticed everyone had come in "We've been calling you guys like crazy".

Lucas hugged both Mike and Will straight away.

"I know. We came as soon as we heard" Mike told him.

Lucas hugged El next, holding her tightly in his arms.

"I'm sorry" she apologised to him. "Do they know...
when she will wake?" El asked as she walked closer to Max.

Lucas looked at the floor in sadness "No. They say she might not. Her heart stopped. For over a minute.
She died. I... I mean, clinically, but... then she came back. The doctors don't know how. They say it's a miracle".

"I'm here, Max" El held her hand.

Del laid her head on Mike's shoulder as she watched in sadness, she prayed that Max would wake up. She couldn't save Hallie and she would be heart wrenched if she couldn't save Max either.

After the hospital visit they took El to what remained of Hopper's cabin.

"Holy shit. This place is a total disaster" Mike spoke after seeing how messy the inside was.

"Yeah" Jonathan pointed to the ceiling that had a huge chunk missing "Well, that's a bit of a problem".

"I get we gotta hide Supergirl, but this isn't exactly the Fortress of Solitude, man. It's more like a fortress of grodiness" Argyle mumbled.

"Come on, guys, seriously. I've seen Mike's room
look worse than this" Nancy smiled. "Ah! See?
Water still works. And, voilà. Cleaning supplies".

Everyone got to work cleaning, giving Delilah and El some time to talk.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't there. When you were cursed" El told Delilah sadly but Del just smiled.

"It's not your fault, I pulled through it" She smirked "Did I never tell you how much you suit a buzz cut".

El laughed and brushed over her newly shaved hair.

"You think I'd suit it? We could match" Delilah laughed a long.

Eleven wrapped her into a long hug "I missed you".

Del nodded "I missed you too, like crazy".

Delilah walked into the room where Mike and Will sat on the couch. Will seemed to be crying.

"Will? What's wrong?" She asked.

"Now that I'm here, in Hawkins, I can feel him. And he's hurt. He's hurting. But he's still alive" Will explained.

"We'll kill him. I know we Will" Delilah assured and Will hugged her tightly.

"I was so so worried about you, I thought I was going to loose you, I thought I was going to loose my sister" his voice was choked from crying.

She put a hand on his shoulder "I'm okay. Nothing's going to hurt us, we'll kill one and then we'll be safe. I promise".

Del's pep talk was cut short by a new car pulling up outside of the cabin. She ran outside when he saw her mom but not only her mom, hopper was there too.

She hugged her mom first and then turned to Hopper.

"But.. I thought you were dead?" She smiled through tears.

"Yeah and I thought you were nicer, guess we were both mistaken" he smiled at her "C'mere, kid". Hopper wrapped the girl in a hug before going inside to find Eleven.

"It was crazy, I was cursed by Vecna who actually is just number one but now he looks like Freddy Krueger" Del ranted to her mom. Joyce smiled and hugged her daughter "I'm so glad you're safe".

Thunder rumbled and snow started to fall from the sky. Everyone walked out into the woods to see what was going on only to see that there was a line, on one side the spring flowers bloomed all different colours and on the other, everything was grey and dying.

The rumbling continued and the greying dead side of Hawkins covered in a thick blanket of black smoke.

Del took a hold of Mike's hand, she knew something was very wrong.

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