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Delilah sat out in her front garden her Walkman was playing her favourite songs, the sun was shining brightly. It was finally summer and she couldn't be any happier.

"Whatcha listening too?" A voice she had never heard before asked her.

She looked up to see a girl, she looked about the same age as herself.

The mystery girl shook her head "I'm sorry, that was.. weird. I'm just trying to make friends, I moved into the house next door yesterday".

Delilah smiled "I'm Del".

The girl returned the smile "I'm Hallie Harmon".

"I never answered your question, I'm listening to the smiths" Delilah told her "You heard them?".

Hallie shook her head "Blondie is my favourite".

Delilah slipped the headphones off from her own ears and placed them onto Hallie's. She bopped her head a little to the music before agreeing "This is good, I like this song".

Hallie and Delilah flicked through her playlist for a while and soon enough they'd gone through every song on her mixtape.

"I have some records, at my house if you'd like to come over?" Hallie asked the girl.

Delilah didn't have anything better to do and she'd grown to like the girl in the short time they'd hung out together, Hallie had radiance to her she was friendly and bubbly.

"Yeah, I would love to" Delilah accepted her offer and followed the girl to the house next door.

It turned out that the two girls had a lot in common from music to movies and comics, they liked a lot of the same things.

"Why did you move?" Delilah asked flipping through a Wonder Woman comic "From Florida, I mean".

"My dad died, my mom wanted a fresh start it sucks, you know, new state where I know no one" she explained sadly.

Delilah moved so she was sat next to her "hey, me and my friends, we're going to see a movie in a couple of weeks, you should come along".

Hallie smiled "I don't want to intrude".

Delilah shook her head "It's not intruding if i invited you, besides I think you would get along with my friend Max".

"Okay, I'll come it sounds fun" she smiled.

2 weeks later;

Delilah brought Hallie along to Starcourt to meet with her friends, apart from El who could only leave the house at certain times and Dustin who was still at science camp for another night. Hallie and Delilah had gotten really close over the two weeks.

"Hey, Del" Mike smiled kissing the girl on the cheek. His face knitted in confusion when he saw the other girl.

Delilah smiled "This is my friend Hallie".

Hallie smiled and waved.

"Why.." Mike started but Delilah pulled him to the side.

"She's just moved from Florida, she knows no one and she's my friend so please just be nice to her" she told him seriously.

Mike nodded "Okay".

Mike and Delilah joined everyone else who had all seemed to have taken a liking to Hallie straight away. Although, the new girl seemed like she was one of those people anyone could get along with.

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