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3 Months Later;

Delilah cleared all of her stuff out of her bedroom, all of her old memories from clothes to dungeons and dragons pieces.

Her heart dropped a little when she came across the pictures of the day her Max, El and Hallie had gone shopping. How happy Hallie had looked.

Hallie straightened out Delilah's stupidly fancy dress and giggled as she posed for the camera. She put her arm out and twirled Delilah around. Making them both almost die laughing.

She felt some stray tears fall down her cheeks.

Mike invited himself into her bedroom and sat down next to her on the bed "Are you okay?".

Delilah wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled "Yeah. I'm just missing her".

Mike looked at her sadly "It wasn't your fault, you know".

She nodded her head "I'll get that eventually. It'll take time".

Mike kissed her lips softly "Stay here".

She smiled sadly "I cant, you know this".

"You can, I don't want you to go" he told her.

"Do you remember, that day when we hid in the school" she smiled "before El disappeared, I made a promise to her"

Delilah paused to think "See, I was thinking, once all this is over and Will's back, you can live with us, my mom she'll take care of you. She'll be like your new mom and Will and Jonathan , they'll be like your brothers".

"Sisters?" El asked looking at the girl.

"Yeah, we'll be like real sisters" Delilah smiled.



Delilah continued "This is my chance to keep my promise, I have to".

He hugged her, tightly and he felt his own eyes tear up quickly.

"Oh, yeah. Mike?" Delilah asked "I love you too".

"What?" Mike asked.

"That day, you were arguing with Max. I never got the chance to say it back" she smiled at him, blinking through tears and kissed him on the lips.

Delilah stood infront of the car, she hugged Max first.

"God, I'll miss you" Max smiled through tears.

"I'll be back before you know it, I'll visit all the time, okay" Delilah smiled back at her, eyes puffy and red from tears.

Lucas hugged Delilah next and Dustin.

"Look after Mike for me, yeah?" She sighed shakily "Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid".

"I'm gonna miss you all so much" Dustin smiled painfully.

Delilah gave Mike one last kiss.

"Soon, remember" she told him.

"Soon" he agreed crying.

Delilah smiled as she looked back at the Byers house one last time, her eyes burned with tears. The leaving Hawkins sign, stuck out more than it ever had before.

Was it over?

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