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"You don't need it" Delilah smiled at El who was looking at her reflection and feeling at her lack of wig.

"Still pretty?" Eleven asked.

"Of course" Delilah smiled, holding Eleven's hand "You are pretty".

"Guys!" Dustin and Mike barged into the bathroom where El and Delilah were stood.

"It's Lucas, I think he's in trouble" Dustin panted "Do you remember how he said he was looking for the gate?".

"Yeah" Delilah nodded.

"What if he found it?" He asked and held up his radio where Lucas could be heard, shouting incorrectly. It kept cutting out.

"What's he saying?" Delilah asked.

"I don't know, he's way out of range" Mike sighed.

"...son of a bitch" Lucas voice crackled over the radio.

"Lucas, if you can hear us, slow down. We can't understand you" Mike spoke.

He just spoke a mess of words that were all scrambled together.

"Mad hen. Does that mean anything to you?" Dustin asked "Like a code name or something?".

Lucas voice rang a bit clearer this time so you could just make out a "The bad men are coming!".

"Bad men." Delilah jumped up.

"Bad men!" Lucas said one more time before the radio went static.

Mike, Dustin and Delilah got up to look out of the nearest window only to see a 'Hawkins Repair' van outside of the house.

"What's that guy doing" Mike asked.

"You don't think.." Dustin asked.

Mike ran off to ask his mom about it and Dustin and Delilah noticed at least another 5 vans pull up.

"Mike, we need to leave.. right now" Dustin yelled at Mike.

"If anyone asks where i am" Mike turned to his mom "I've left the country".

They took Eleven and ran.

They were cornered by who they only could assume to be 'bad men'.

"Dustin, do you copy?" Lucas spoke on the radio.

"Yeah, Lucas, they're on us",

"Meet me at Elm and Cherry!"

"Copy. Elm and Cherry!"

"Shit" Delilah panicked, peddling her bike a little faster.

Lucas caught up to them but they found themselves being cornered by loads of vans and one of them was coming at them head on.

Eleven swiftly moved her head and the van went flying over their heads and crashing down behind them.

"Holy shit" Dustin panted as he threw his bike down, finally away from the 'bad men'. "Did... did you see what she did to that van?".

"No, Dustin, we missed it" Delilah rolled her eyes playfully.

"I mean that was..."

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