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In hoppers cabin;

"You visited your sister again last night?" Hopper asked Eleven.

"She says she needs me" El responds.

"Want me to go check on her?" Hopper suggested but Eleven only shook her head.

"I know that you miss her, all right? But it's too dangerous. You're the last thing she needs right now, her brother, Will, he's not doing too good" he explained.

"You're gonna see her. Soon. And not just in that head of yours. You're gonna see her in real life. I feel like I'm making real progress with these people, for the both of you".

"You say "soon" on day 21. You say "soon" on day 205. You now say "soon" on day 326?" El huffed, angrily.

"What is this? You're counting the days now like you're some kind of prisoner?" Hopper asked.

"When is soon?" El asked.

"Soon is when... it's not dangerous anymore".

"When?" The girl asked again.
"I don't know"

"On day 500?"
"I don't know"

"On day 600?"
"I don't know"

"Day 700? On day 800? I need to see her" Eleven cried.

"We have to meet. All of us. At lunch, AV Club" Dustin whispered to his friends.

"Why?" Mike asked.

"I have something that you won't believe" he told them before turning around and whispering the same thing to Max "AV Club. Lunch".

"His name is d'Artagnan. Cute, right?" Dustin held out what looked like a slug and a frog hybrid out on his hands.

"D'Artagnan?" Mike asked.

"Dart for short" Dustin confirmed.

"And he was in your trash?" Max asked.

"Foraging for food" Dustin nodded "You wanna hold him?" He held the creature out to Max and slid her out onto her palms.

"Oh, god, he's slimy" Max grimaced, passing him onto Delilah's hands.

"Ugh, gross" Delilah gagged passing Dart to Lucas.

"Ugh, he's like a living booger" Lucas grimaced.

Lucas passed Dart to Mike who held him gently in two hands and looked at him intensely "What is he?" Mike asked.

"My question exactly" Dustin put books down on the table "At first, I thought it was some type of pollywog".

"Pollywog?" Max asked.

"It's another word for tadpole. A tadpole is the larval stage of a toad" Dustin explained.

"I know what a tadpole is" Max rolled her eyes.

"All right, then you know that most tadpoles are aquatic, right? Well, Dart, he isn't. He doesn't need water"

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