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The alarm in the hospital blared loudly, signalling that what Mike and Delilah were expecting had happened.

"We're too late" Delilah told Bob who still had the girl wrapped up in his arms.

"What?" Bob asked.

"We're too late" she told him before breaking out of his grip to join her mom and Will.

"What's going on?" Joyce asked.

"We're under attack" Mike told her.

Joyce tried her best to get Will up and out of the hospital.

"We need to make Will sleep" Mike told her.

"What?" She asked.

"He's a spy. If he knows where we are.." Mike started.

"so does the shadow monster" Delilah grasped what he was saying.

"He's lying!" Will screamed.

"He killed those soldiers. He'll kill us, too!" Mike shouted.

"He's lying! He's lying! He's lying! He's lying! He's lying!" Will was screaming at Joyce to the point where his voice went hoarse.

"Okay, Will, Will, listen, listen. Do you know who I am? Do you know who I am?" Joyce asked.

"You're... You're... You're Mom" he struggled.

"Hold him down" she commanded to Bob.

"No! No! Let go! let me go!" Will screamed.

Delilah covered her ears and Mike put his hands around hers to block out the noise for her as best as he could and she was appreciative of that because she could tell how much he wanted to cover his own ears, but it seemed more important to him to cover hers.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" Joyce cried as she stuck the needle into his arm.

"No! Let go! Let me go! Let me go!" Will's voice slowed as his eyes drooped and he fell asleep.

Hopper burst through the door all of a sudden "We gotta go. We gotta go" he told them as he picked Will up from off the bed and ran towards the door.

Screeching, screaming and gunshots were all that could be heard from the halls.

As they were ready to turn a corner a man fell backwards, his face was being mauled by a creature they ran back and ended up in a room with multiple cctv screens. And then the power went out.

"Look, this is us, and this is the nearest exit. But even if we somehow make it there, there's no way out" Doctors Owens scribbled on a map of the lab.

"What do you mean?" Hopper asked.

"The locks are fail secure" he explained.

"Fail secure?" Joyce asked.

"If there's a power outage, the building goes on lockdown" he told them.

"Can it be unlocked remotely?" Bob asked.

"With a computer, sure, but somebody's gotta reset the breakers"

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