Chapter 16

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it had been a few days since I woke up now and I've just been drowning myself in work all day and mourning my abs that were fading away..

My muscles disappearing were my only motivation to take my meds and do physical therapy just so that my body heals faster so I can go back to the gym and get my abs back. I wasn't getting fatter, just flatter...
Which was honestly just as disappointing.

"Sir..?" A man stood at the doorway and with just a bit of squinting, I realized who it was.

"Yes Keylan?" I was honestly surprised he was the one that came to me since he wasn't one of my main informants but it made sense after he told me what had happened.

"A ship has just docked on one of our main harbors. They're filled with Russian soldiers that apparently you have requested for..?"

Keylan had partial control of whatever shipments would come in, so that's why he was the one informing me.

"Yes, indeed I have requested for them.. would you please bring them in and tell them to come to this room." The room was huge and was definitely big enough for 30 soldiers to stay in for a bit while I tell them what to do.

And about 20 minutes later, a long line of Russian soldiers walked in with their balaclavas still on and their guns being gripped.

"You all may take off your balaclavas..."

Once they took off their balaclavas, I realized that there were much more men than the amount I had requested.

"How many of there are you??"

"60 sir."

That's twice the amount I had asked for.

"Senator yevgeny sent 30 extra men as additional security after the drone incident." He seemed to have read my expression. I like that one.

"What is your name? You the one that just answered."

"Isaac volkov sir."

"Hm.. alright Isaac, you're my personal security guard for now until Ivan wakes up. The rest of you stand in a straight lines so I can see you better. Actually no, all of you stand in a straight line and if you cannot fit anymore, kneel in front of the ones who are standing. I want to see all of you." This may have been an odd request but I called them here for a reason so I needed to get them in order before another problem arises.

They listened to my order properly and got into the exact format that I had asked for. That was a good sign. After careful inspecting, I knew exactly where I wanted them to be.

"Alright I have a list of your names here that just got emailed to me so if I call your name, come stand in one corner."

And just like that I managed to divide them into 5 groups leaving out 9 other men to use as personal bodyguards. I was quite impressed at myself if I'm being honest.

I divided them into letters and each letter would be the letter of the warehouse they would be in charge of. I ordered them to protect my warehouses and men so an incident like this would never happen again.


After all the other soldiers left, it was just 9 remaining soldiers left.

"Now you fellas are going to be in charge of protecting individual people so when I call your name come up."

Vinnie was in charge of Keith. Caesar was in charge of Nikolai. Desmond was in charge of Ophelia. Brandon was in charge of Keylan and kallum because I knew they would be able to take of each other anyway so one bodyguard would be enough. Killian was in charge of Allistor. And Damon would be in charge of mike. The remaining three men would be emergency soldiers left to protect the people who worked in the prison and since there were already soldiers there, I wasn't too worried.

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