Chapter 14

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I woke up sounds of people running around and screaming. Everyone was everywhere and even Keith had woken up by now from all the commotion.

"What the hell is going on?" He asked with his face still shoved in the pillow.

"I have no clue but I'm going to go find out." And with that I ran out of bed put on some pants and a shirt and was already out the room. To be honest, I thought someone had broken in or something because it's never this chaotic in the house.

"Hey what's going on?" I asked my sister who was running around with at least 30 folders in her hands filled to the brim. "Didn't you hear??? Harlem woke up this morning and senator yevgeny likochski is coming right now as we speak. He said he wanted to visit Harlem as soon as he woke up." She said frantically with her think Russian accent. She looked like she was about to pass out at this point so I just made space for her run out.

It took me a minute to process what she said but when I did process it, I've never ran faster in my life to the room. The last time I even saw that wrinkly old man was at my court hearing that he for some reason insisted on attending. He was a man of high ranking so he obviously was not coming alone. Now I know why everyone was running around because without Harlem here, everything was a big mess.

Physically everything looked fine but mentally, we were all losing our shit. Half of the documents weren't even processed and things were all over the place since Harlem wasn't here to guide everyone on what to do and neither was lankov. Demitri was just as worried and lost as we were. Hell he was probably even worse knowing he was about to get the lecture of his life when all of this is over. Poor guy.

When I got back to the room, Keith was up and early brushing his teeth in the bathroom. He looked a little too happy considering our situation so I decided to ruin his day because if I can't be happy, no one can.

"I'd stop smiling if I were you, the senator is coming over to check up on Harlem. That's why there was so much commotion so you should probably get dressed into decent clothing and make it look like your doing something so that you don't get jumped by like the entire mafia." It worked. His smile dropped instantly and he almost choked on toothpaste.

"Wait.. Harlems awake?"

"Yeah he woke up this morning and the senator was notified immediately so now he's on his way to make Harlem even more suicidal. If that's even possible." I wasn't exaggerating when I said that. If this man wasn't a mafia leader and was a normal guy who worked a 9-5, he definitely would've been gone years ago. Just as Keith was about to say something else, a man barged into the bathroom. This man just so happened to be mike.

"Dude I'm out of breath right now but senators here and he wants to see you... he just arrived and asked for you so hurry your ass up and get out here.."

He really was out of breath. I wasn't really too shocked with the news. Kind of expected it since this wrinkled old hag was literally obsessed with me. Or at least I like to think that he is just for my own personal comfort. I quickly rushed out of the bathroom and put on some more presentable clothes before heading downstairs.

He looked like the same man from a year ago. Wrinkled face, white hair and piercing gray eyes. He looked like my dad but less high and much more situated.

"Hello senator.. you wished to see me?" I asked hesitantly. Our personal one on one meetings never really ever ended as well as I hoped it would. He would always bring up my past and the stupid mistakes I would make while I would bring up his weird interest in young men. I don't even know how he knew these things. However I did know that he was extremely close to my father.

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