Chapter 10

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"WHAT??" Keith screamed out. "I don't even know who he is?" Keith said back. "Alright I understand but I know who he is and he's a lovely guy." Harlem said trying the defend the poor guy. "Lovely? HE TRIED FLEEING FROM YOUR UNDERGROUND DUNGEON. What part of that sounds lovely to you?" Keith asked with a lifted eyebrow. "The part where he only did it because he was sad that I chose you over him." Harlem said back with a blank stare. "Well I mean you could always give me my own room." Keith said trying to avoid eye contact. "No thank you. I think you look beautiful in my blanket." Harlem said with a gentle smile only to have Keith roll his eyes at him. "Fine he can stay but only if he sleeps in your other side because I am not sleeping with a stranger. I don't even know his name." Keith said with a much harsher tone towards the end. "His name is Nikolai. And don't worry I doubt he would want to sleep next to you either."


It hadn't even been a good minute before my phone starting ringing non stop. I looked to see who called me and Daniel's name was on the screen. Daniel was man I left in charge of warehouse D. Which was a weapon house. "Hello this is Harlem speak quick." I told the man on the phone. "Fuck, Harlem Harlem. Shit I'm bleeding out. Code red. Drone broke into the ware house. Shot bullets everywhere and now half my men are probably dead and I'm only hanging on through a string. You have to get here please.." Daniel muttered out. "Shit shit shit. Lankov start the car code red at warehouse D. Call the other men to get there quick" I said before rushing to put on my shoes and running out the door not even getting a chance to say goodbye to Keith.

We arrived after a 10 minute drive. Warehouse D was our smallest warehouse but it still had some important assets to it. Not to mention, the men I left in charge of it were all young. The oldest was Daniel and he himself was only 23. "I'm here SHIT DANIEL.." I managed to scream out before his limp bloody body fell on top of me. He was alive just passed out with a bullet wound on his arm and his stomach had a gash on it. All the other men weren't looking so good either. The youngest in this warehouse was Mikhail. He was only 17. Luckily he was alive and out of all the 34 men who worked here, only 3 were dead. All 3 men were over 20 but not younger than 22. Poor kids.

"Alright lankov call the other men in and tell them to carry these guys to the car and take them to the house, demitri you go and inform the leader board about what just happened. Cane, you and lankov stick with me." I ordered before looking around to see if anything was left. This was clearly a targeted attack considering nothing else was damaged except for the men. I could only pray that these bullets weren't spiked with poison like last time.


It had been over an hour since Harlem left and with the way his face looked, I had began to start worrying. Soon enough, 3 limousines filled with men pulled up in the drive way. I thought Harlem was going to be in at least one of them but much to my shock, he wasn't in any of them. After the cars were parked, men after men was coming out of them. All of which were bloody and battered. After they walked in, a bloody trail was left for the poor maid to clean up.
"YO KEITH OR WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS, COME HELP ME WITH DANIEL. PLEASE HES ON HIS LAST BREATH." Some guy screamed out. He didn't have to say it twice before I ran over to him to help with the almost dead body of a really young man. He didn't look a day over 21 If you ask me. "Oh Jesus how old is the poor guy?" I asked the man in front of me who looked overly sympathetic. "His 23rd birthday was only yesterday..." the man said clearly holding back tears. I simply gasped at his answer before the monitor started beeping like crazy. He didn't know how to work it but after going to a public high school in America, I practically knew how to do everything. "Here hold on to his arm and apply pressure while I remove the bullet and wrap this bandage over it." The nodded and held on tight. He looked too sad to be his friend only. "Is he just a friend to you?" I asked while wrapping his arm with the gauze. "He's my ex. We got here together when Harlem found us dumped on the side of the road." The man told me while a tear or two fell out of his red eyes. I couldn't help but feel sympathetic for the poor guy. I had so many questions but I didn't even know either of their names so I decided to let it go for now. "What're your guys names?" I asked trying to break the awkwardness between us. "I'm Axel. And this is Daniel. We broke up a month ago because of a stupid argument and now I'm regretting everything." Axel said while more and more tears fell out. "Oh.. you don't look or sound as Russian and scary as the other men here." I simply stated. "Uhm yeah that's because we're not Russian. We're both Canadian. Harlem found us when I was 21 and Daniel was 17 on a business trip. It was right after he got kicked out of school and my parents disowned me so Harlem stepped in. How'd you end up here?" He asked. "Uh well I'm not sure actually... my brother was adopted by Harlem and I just got dragged here I guess." Axel laughed at that. "That's shocking. Harlem usually keeps to himself unless he finds someone to fuck." Axel said like that was a normal thing. "Oh did it happen often? Like did he always bring people home?" I asked hoping to get a decent answer out him. "Not really no. When he got with someone, he would never date them. Just a quick fuck and go until he found Nikolai. They're attached by the hip. I highly doubt he's going anywhere." Axel said before letting Daniel's arm go.
"Hmm where the fuck am I this time..?" Daniel asked in a deep morning voice before his eyes widened at the white ceiling and the man's lap that he was sitting on. "Um I'll leave you two to it.. see you later." I said waving while walking away. Well that was an experience.

Not even five minutes later I noticed a two men who looked like twins. They looked similar to the guy that was sleeping on my bed...

1180 words 😘
If y'all want I could write a story on just axel and Daniel

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