Chapter Twelve

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Scourge wasn't convinced that TigerStar was fine, but he didn't want to argue with him.

He could tell that the other cat was in pain and probably just wanted some space.  "If you say so," He said quietly. "I guess I should go then."

Scourge walked away from the medic den and headed back towards his own territory.

He felt a bit guilty for leaving TigerStar in such a vulnerable state, but he also knew that there wasn't much else he could do for him.

As he walked through the forest, Scourge wondered if it was worth trying to establish some sort of alliance with ShadowClan. They were rivals after all, but maybe they didn't have to be enemies...maybe there was another way.

A few weeks have gone passed,

it's been such a long while since the two have seen each other. it was one dark night, Tigerstar quietly sneaked off and into the forest. His injuries have healed up.

Tigerstar is currently walking around. His ears twitching a little. The moonlight shining down and exposing a large scar on his stomach now and leg.

Scourge noticed the scars on TigerStar's body and was concerned. He wondered what had happened to cause such injuries.

But then he remembered .. Firestar did that. "TigerStar?" He called out softly,"Is everything okay? What are you doing here so late at night?"

Tigerstar's ears perked up when he heard Scourge's voice. His head turned. "I'm doing better now." he responded.

Scourge was relieved to hear that TigerStar was doing better, but he couldn't help but notice how thin and weak the other cat looked.  "Are you sure? You look like you haven't eaten in days." He frowned."Have you been avoiding your Clanmates?"

Scourge could see the sadness in TigerStar's eyes and he felt a pang of sympathy for him.

He knew how difficult it was to lead a Clan, especially when you were injured. "I understand if you don't want to talk about it,"

He said, "But I just wanted to make sure that everything is okay with your Clanmates. They must be worried about you."

Tigerstar hissed softly. "I don't want to talk about them." he started to head into the direction of the other male cat.

Scourge was taken aback by TigerStar's reaction. He hadn't expected the other cat to be so defensive about his Clanmates.

"Okay, I won't push you," He said quietly.-"But please know that I care about your well-being."

"If there is anything else I can do for you, just let me know."

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