Chapter Eight

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Scourge continued to work on the wound, doing his best to be gentle and not cause any more pain.

He tried to distract TigerStar by talking.  "It's going to be okay," He said soothingly,"I know it hurts, but this will help you heal."

Tigerstar, being stubborn - tried to get up again, but only to fail and wince in pain.

Scourge put a paw on TigerStar's shoulder, trying to keep him from getting up.  "You need to rest," He said firmly,"Your body needs time to heal. You can't just get up and start moving around."

Tigerstar stared up at Scourge. "You should hate me like, the others. I don't understand why you're trying to help me."

Scourge was silent for a moment, thinking about what TigerStar had said. He knew that he should hate the other cat, but something in him just couldn't bring himself to do it.

"I don't want to hate you," He finally said,"We both made mistakes, and we both suffered because of them. But I believe that we can still find a way to move forward."

Tigerstar's eyes glued themselves onto Scrouge with shock. His ears perking up at the words. "Huh..."

Scourge saw the look of surprise on TigerStar's face and felt a small smile form on his own. He knew that it was going to be difficult for them to get past everything that had happened, but he was willing to try.

"We don't have to be enemies anymore," He said softly,
"We can start over."

Tigerstar winced as his head suddenly started to droop.

Scourge's smile disappeared as he saw TigerStar's head droop. He quickly moved to support the other cat, making sure that he didn't fall.  "Hey, stay with me," He said,"You need to keep your eyes open."
Tigerstar tried but his eyes started to shut.

Scourge looked into TigerStar's eyes and saw the exhaustion in them. He knew that the other cat was still weak, but he didn't want to let him slip away.  "I need you to stay awake," He said firmly,"You can do this. You just have to keep fighting."

"I know you can keep fighting..."

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