Another Day, Another Death

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     "Hey sexy! Need some company?" A man shouts from across the street, his words slurring together as he stumbles, one arm around his friend who appears equally drunk.
     Val looks up, the blood on her clothes near invisible against the black fabric, but the metallic scent lingering. Her eyes are bloodshot and red from crying until she had no more tears left. She looks at the men, eyes narrowed before slowly nodding. Her voice cracks as she speaks, still raw with emotionally. "Yeah. I could use some company."
     The men laugh, looking at each other before stumbling across the street to Val. The man that spoke wraps an arm around her waist, the tips of his fingers brushing against Val's thigh. She glances down at his hand, but she doesn't say anything. She walks with them. The men stop in front of a nearby motel.
As they get into the room, the val lays back on the crappy bed, making the men smirk. The first one stumbles to the bed, kneeling above her, his fingers clumsily unbuttoning her jeans.
You sit in the living room, leaning against Kye. On the other side of Kye is Ace. Across from the three of you is Jeff, stretched out across the chair opposite of the couch. The tv is on, playing on the jews channel. You watch as a reporter comes on, talking about two men murdered in a hotel room. Behind the reporter, two men walk out carrying black bags. You look at Jeff, your eyes narrowed.
"What? You really think I'd let two assholes take me to a crappy motel?" Jeff asks with a scoff.
"I mean...yeah..." Ace mumbles to themselves with a shrug. Jeff shoots Ace a look that makes him flinch, cowering back slightly.
     Jeff snickers before continuing, "whoever it was, they were brutal."
     "How do you know?" Ace responds, still cowering behind Ace. He looks at the smiling killer with curiosity and trepidation.
     "Because they're bringing the body out in bags instead of on a stretcher. You gotta admire it," Jeff says, that same sadistic grin on his face. Ace shudders at the thought.
     You move your attention back to the tv. The reporter is interviewing the attendant. The middle age men shrugs, his lips turned down into a small frown and a look in his eyes that makes it seem like he's seen this before.
     "The two men walked in by themselves. No one was with them. Not that I could tell. Nothin else I can say bout it," the man says before turning away to go back into the motel. The reporter looks between the man and the camera for a moment before slowly nodding, trying to regain his composure.
     The tv switches from the news channel to a random movie.
     "Let's watch something else," Kye says, holding the remote in his hand. That wasn't a suggestion. It was a statement. You nod, leaning back against Kye as you watch the movie.

Little RedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora