Safe At Last

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     You sit inside the police station as you wait for Kye to pick you up. After the police had come, everyone in the café was brought in for questioning. After they had finished questioning you, they said you were free to leave. You had walked to the front, taking a seat inside. You didn't want to walk home after what had happened.

     As soon as you sat down, you remembered Kye. Grabbing your phone, you walk outside, standing just to the left of the front door. As the phone rang for what felt like hours, yet was only a few seconds, you messed with the string of your hoodie. Finally, Kye had picked up. You hurriedly ask him to pick you up at the police station, before questioning him about his disappearance into the woods. At the same time, he questions you about your sudden disappearance. With the both of you deciding to explain later, you hung up the phone. You walk back in while putting your phone in your hoodie pocket.

      While you wait, a tall person sat next to you.

      "Hey," The person said, their smooth voice carrying a somber undertone. As you look up, the first thing you notice is their striking green eyes.

"Hey," you replied, your voice barely audible. A tan hand goes up to brush a strand of dark brown hair out of their face.

"I was at the park. When know. Ran by," He said, his voice cracking slightly. He glances at the door for a moment, a distant look in his eyes, before returning his gaze to you.

"Why did you run?" You asked. It felt too soon to ask such a thing, but you were too curious to stop yourself. You were curious as to why any of the people followed you. A simple action that saved their lives, or at least, saved most of them.

"You seemed scared. Nobody runs out the woods like that unless they have a reason," he said, leaning back in the seat while closing his eyes, the corners of his lips turning down into a frown. You slowly nod. As you open your mouth to say something else, you notice Kye walking in.

You stand up, running up to him before pulling him into a tight hug.

"Hey, are you okay?" Kye asked, while holding you. You shake your head as you hold him. Muttering comforting words, he held your hand as he brought you to his car.

He opened the door for you, before silently getting in himself. After glancing at you, he turns back to the front and starts driving to his house.

The car ride started off silent, the only noise being the quiet music.

"What happened?" Kye asked, breaking the silence.

"I should be asking you that. I told you I was going back to the café. When I got to the park, you were walking into the woods with that guy." you replied, still staring in front of you.

"I didn't hear you. I kept walking. He was waiting for someone. He said he wanted to show me a nice spot in the woods. I wasn't planning on going with him, but I didn't really have an option," Kye said with an irate tone.

"What did he do?" You ask, giving him a quizzical look.

"Pulled a knife out," he replied as your eyes widened.

"So, you know, I went with him. After like two minutes he stopped. I was facing him. All of the sudden his eyes got really wide. He was terrified. There was a staticky, buzzing sound. It was so loud. I took off running while he just stood there. I didn't want to look back, but-," he paused to take a deep breath before continuing, "I did. I looked back just for a second. He was still standing there. And I. I saw what he was looking at,"

"What did you see?" You asked softly.

"It was terrible. It was tall, too tall. It was wearing a suit. But its face. Or rather. It had no face. When I looked at it, the static started to get louder. I kept running, not looking back, but. The screams. It got him. It killed him. I know it. I could feel it watching me as I ran," Kye said, his voice cracking as he pulled over in front of some shops.

You take off your seat belt, leaning over to Kye to give him a hug. Tears streamed down his face as he just stared forwards. You keep hugging him, comforting him in the same way he comforted you only moments ago.

After a few minutes, he wiped his tears, muttering a thank you, before continuing the drive home.

"So. What happened to you?" He asked, his voice sounding brittle.

"I ran in after you. I didn't see you. Got turned around. Walked around all day, before finding a cabin. Of course, with my luck, it belonged to those three guys. You know the murderers. I hid from them in the bushes, but there was some guy in the bushes with me. Got chased out the forest by all four of them. I ran into the park, right into a huge group of people. I kept running, and some other people followed. Nearly everyone there died. We stopped at the café and hid there until the police came," you explain, glancing over at him to see his reaction. He didn't answer, instead he stared straight ahead.

Unlike you, Kye didn't live on the outskirts of the town. He lived in a residential area bordering the downtown area. After a few minutes of silence, he stopped in front of a large two-story house.

"I have roommates. Only way to afford the place," he said, parking in the driveway. You get out of the car, following Kye into the house.

He walks past two girls sitting on the couch, into another room that had no door, presumably the kitchen. You wave and smile at the girls before walking past, going into the room Kye had entered. He stood in front of the sink, filling two mugs with water.

"Are you okay?" He asked, putting the cups in the microwave, before digging through the cabinets.

"Yup. I'm doing great," you replied, walking over to him. He chuckled while running a hand through his hair. He opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the microwave beeping. He took out the cups, putting tea bags in them.

The two of you sat in silence until the tea was done. After fixing it to your liking, you sip your tea, enjoying the comforting silence. A lot had happened. It was nice to get a break from it all.

After you both finish your tea, Kye guides you to his room. He goes through his drawers before passing you some of his clothes to change into. He gets clothes for himself, then walks to the bathroom.

You sat on the chair in front of his desk, leaning your head back with your eyes closed. You think of the day you had, guilt washing over you as you recall the group you had run by.

As your thoughts drift to when you got to the café, you had the strong feeling of being watched. Before you could turn to look out of the window you sat next to, Kye had come out the bathroom.

"Something wrong?" Kye asked as he dried his hair. You glance out the window. Seeing nothing, you shake your head and walk to the bathroom to take a shower.

As you walked out, you saw Kye sitting at his desk, frantically drawing in his sketchbook. You walk over to him, but he slams the notebook shut before you could see what he was drawing.

"I got work tomorrow, so I'm going to bed," he said with a monotone voice, as he laid down. You sigh as you lay next to him. You felt bad for him. Kye was always cheery, so seeing him so upset was concerning. You close your eyes, sleep coming over you.

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