A New Discovery

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I don't really have the story planned out in terms of romance, so I would really appreciate it if you commented on who you want the love interest to be. I will also be introducing a couple more characters as potential options.


Toby Pov

     Masky, Hoodie and I ran through the forest. Once again, Masky got too carried away and now we're running from the police. The three of us ran until a house came into view. We stop in front of the back door. 

     "What the hell are we waiting for, let's go in," Masky said, searching the ground momentarily, before picking up a rock. 

     "Can't you ever be patient," Hoodie replied. 

    " Well, Hoodie, since you're so smart, where the fuck do you expect us to go?" Masky said. I could tell he was starting to get pissed. 

    "I'm not disagreeing. I'm just saying, what will we do if there are people there?" Hoodie questioned. He's right. We shouldn't be killing anyone we don't need to.

    "We'll kill them. We fucking kill people Hoodie, is that suddenly a problem?" Masky said. 

    Shit, he's about to lose it. I take out one of my hatchets and break the glass door. I turn towards them and say, "Stop arguing. Let's just go in." 

     As we walk into the house I say, "You two check for anyone upstairs." They both turn to the stairs, walking up. I walk towards the front door, checking any places a person could hide. As I reach the center of the room, I can hear Masky yell. 

     I run outside seeing a person run. They look terrified. I run after them, holding my hatchets. There's a loud bang, Hoodie shot at them, but they don't falter. They had turned and kept running. Could Hoodie have missed? Even though he never misses. 

     They reach the tree line. They're zig-zagging through the trees. As if it would save them. It's honestly pathetic to watch. I slow down slightly, still watching them. They look around before climbing up a tree. When they look in my direction for a minute, I catch a glimpse of their face. Their face. It seems familiar. But from where? 

    I shake my head,  as if to clear the thoughts from my head. I move a little closer, just enough to have a clear shot. I throw one of my hatchets, immediately followed by my other one. Shit. I missed. If only they didn't fall. I walk over to where they're laying and get on top of them. I didn't want to do this. I want to use my hatchets, since its faster. I guess we don't all get what we want. 

     I choke them, but they keep struggling, trying to grab my goggles and mouthguard. They really do look familiar. Especially when they're so close. Are they from my past? Were they a good part of my past? I glance at their arm. Their sleeve is soaked in blood. I guess Hoodie didn't miss after all. Damn. Why couldn't they give up. I use more force, annoyed that they took my goggles and mouthguard off. Why do they look so surprised?

     "Toby- It's me. Y/n- Remember. Remember Lyra," they said, choking out the words. I froze, my grip loosening. They know Lyra? What do they know about her? Were they friends? Can they tell me more about her? Everything about my life before I served him is fuzzy. I can't remember. At least nothing but Lyra. I could never forget her. 

     "Lyra," I said. My voice came out weaker than I meant it to. 

     "Yeah. Do you remember Lyra? The hill? Us?" they asked, their voice cracking. They fumbled to take off their necklace. What the hell do they mean us? I guess I do know them after all. I should kill them. I know I should, but maybe I could keep them alive. I could figure out what they mean. But that would mean betraying him. And he saved me from the horrible life I lived before. Should I kill them? 

     I focus back on them. They're holding out their necklace. Oh. It's Lyra. And me. They're there too. Another person I don't recognize is there too. Lyra. Their name. What was it again? I know it. But I can't remember. It's like every time it's so close, but right before I can get it, it moves just out of reach. They must have been important. 

     "Toby. Where the hell are you?" Masky yelled.

     I have to. I can't kill them. Not yet at least. Not until I get some answers. "Shit, it's Masky" I muttered. I wish I had more time. "Run. I'll tell them you escaped. I'll be back to talk to you," I tpld them. They nodded, standing quietly. They ran. I shove the locket in my pocket as I stand up. Adjusting my gear, I sigh looking for the hatchet that landed on the ground. Once I found that one, I turned to the tree. As I climb the tree, I can hear Masky and Hoodie below me. 

     "They got away," I yell down to them. Holding on to the tree with one hand, I secure the hatchet with my other hand. 

     "That's bullshit. How the hell did you manage to lose them," Masky yelled back. I sigh as I climb back down. 

     "Thought they were hiding in a tree. Turned out it was just an owl," I said while jumping down the last few feet. 

     "You mistook them for a fucking owl? How stupid do you have to be," Masky said. Yup. He was definitely pissed. I look away from him, my thoughts drifting back to them. What was their name? Y/n. I think that was their name. Y/n.

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