An Unwelcome Surprise

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     You stood at the counter with Kye, as he made tea. He turned to look at you after putting the tea bags in the cups, and asked, "Hey. You never really mentioned it and I didn't want to bring it up with everything that's been happening, but didn't you, you know move in with your parents?" 

     "Yeah," you started before freezing, realization hitting like a brick. You checked your hoodie pockets, swearing under your breath as you remembered you left your phone on the couch. As you walked to your phone, a loud knock echoed from the front door. You walk to the window next to the door to check who was outside. Seeing no one, you open the door. You glance around, before turning your gaze to the floor. A small cardboard box with a bow sat on the doormat. Hesitantly, you pick it up, glancing around once more. 

     "What is it?" Kye asked, his light footsteps barely audible. You turn, closing the door behind you, locking it before answering. As you turned, you saw a hooded figure in the distance. You had nearly missed him. 

      "A box." You show him the small box that fit in the palm of your hand. 

      "Should we open it?" Kye asked, looking between you and the box.

     "Not yet," you replied, shaking your head. You wanted to wait for everyone else to get home. You examined the box. Just as you were about to turn it upside down, Ace walked down the stairs. You pocketed the box, grabbed your phone, then went to the kitchen. 

     Grabbing your tea, you checked your texts. There was nothing  from your parents. You sip your tea, closing your eyes, thinking back to the conversation you had with them before they left. 

     They never said how long they would be gone, but surely they would tell you if they wouldn't come back for several months. You remember the trucks. Your belongings should be there by now, if no one stole it. You decided you would leave tomorrow morning to get some of your stuff. Like Ace, you didn't have a job. You decided to ask them if they would go with you later. 

     Forgetting to text your parents, you go up to the living room, doing your daily routine of checking the news. 

     You wake up with a thud, a dull pain throbbing in your head. You open your eyes. Kye sat above you snickering. 

     "Why the hell did you do that?" You asked in a monotone voice, staying on the floor. It was something he had done before. Slowly pushing you off of him, onto the floor. 

     "It's fun," he replied with a childish grin. Ace took you spot, sitting next to him while snickering along with Kye. You roll your eyes, sitting up to face the couch. 

     "Is everyone home?" You asked. Ace's face suddenly turned serious, their laughing quickly dying down. They nodded, getting up to go upstairs. After a few minutes, Ace returned with the other occupants of the house. They all sat down, silence falling over the house. Onyx was the first to speak.

    "Did something happen?" She asked, her voice soft and airy. You pull the box out of your pocket. 

    "You called us here for a fucking box?" Jamie said, exasperated. Kye glared at him. Jamie opened his mouth to say something else, but quickly stopped when Onyx elbowed his side.

    "I wanted to wait to open it," you said, twirling the end of the ribbon around your finger. 

    Slowly, you pulled the ribbon, it coming undone and falling to the floor. Ace and Kye lean in slightly. With a deep breath you take the top off of the box. You gasp and drop the box upon seeing what was inside. The box soundlessly hits the floor, its contents spilling out. 

    Kye drops down to the floor next to you, pulling you into a hug. Jamie's annoyed look is replaced with one of pity. Val drops down to the floor, wrapping an arm around you. Ace stares down at the contents of the box with an unreadable expression. Onyx looks between you and the box, a look of pure terror on her face. You stare at the box, numbness coursing through you. You leaned into Kye, tears slowly rolling down your face. 

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