Episode 1-11 : Running Into Some Touble Again

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"Puuaaah! We're finally done with the peeling!" Ace exclaimed as he slouched down on the floor "My arms hurt..." Deuce complained with an exhale, just then a crack was heard across the kitchen.

Ei glanced up from the chestnut in her hands to everyone in the room "... Sorry, I cracked them open too hard again.." She mumbled out an apology as she took out the chestnut from its shell and ate it which earned a laughter from Trey "Hahaha! It's okay and good job to you all. Your hard work will make it tastier."

The violet haired girl stares at her upperclassmen while munching on the chestnut in her mouth "Nyummy" She muttered softly, she earned herself a headpat from the olive haired upperclassmen.

"I'm full just from the smell." Grim tiredly lay flat on the counter top while Trey begins the next part of the tart which catches the attention of the first years quickly.

Ace, Deuce, and Ei stares in anticipation as Trey shows them the ingredients "Next we mix butter and sugar into the chestnut paste then add oyster sauce as the secret ingredient."

"Oyster sauce!?" Both Ace and Deuce yelped out in shock, Ei momentarily thinks to herself before she speaks "Oh! I remember one time where you added soy sauce into.. Uhh, what is it called again? Oh yeah! Milk tea"

Upon her revelation Ace and Deuce couldn't be more shocked, who even added soy sauce to milk tea!? "Pft- yep, the savoriness of oysters adds depth and richness to the cream. Here's young oyster sauce with the walrus' seal of excellence. Famous patisserie all use this in their tarts."

Trey couldn't hide the growing smirk on his lips as he showed his juniors oyster sauce, he's pretty concerned when Ei mentioned about adding soy sauce into milk tea but he's not going to spill the beans yet "Seriously... That's a pretty salty sauce." Deuce muttered nervously.

"Even chocolate gets put into curry.. It might be good." Ace said, believing his senior unknowingly of his motives while Ei just nod in agreement ".... Pfft ahaha! It's a joke. Oyster sauce does not belong in sweets." Trey finally gets the expression of those innocent juniors that he has been waiting for.

Ei could hear a break somewhere inside of her mind as if she has been betrayed by her most trustworthy attendance "Screw you! You said it with a straight face." Ace exclaimed in a tone of annoyance like he has been played with.

"Haha! If you took a second to think about it you'd figure it out. Don't just accept things without a healthy amount of skepticism. Better study up. And you Ei, don't try to put soy sauce in your milk tea." Ei could only stare at Trey blankly, her trust has been broken badly.

"This guy looks nice but is pretty good at lying..." Grim mumbled as he crossed his arms "I thought I'm a good liar already.." Ei sighs to herself, understanding Grim's perception of Trey's character.

"Next is the whip cream... Ah!" Trey froze after realizing the important part of the tart, Ace curiously peek at the bowl behind Trey's frame "What's the matter?"

"You all gathered so many chestnuts that I got ahead of myself and made too much marron paste. We don't have enough whip cream to mix in" Trey rubbed his temple in distress

"Then I'll go buy some. Is it sold at the school store?" Deuce volunteered as he stood up from the floor he was sitting on earlier "You can find anything at that place so it should be there. Could I ask you to pick up a few other things?" Trey prepared a paper with a list of items that are needed.

"Two cartons of milk, a dozen eggs, aluminum cups, and five cans of fruit..." Trey finished listing the items on a paper all while reading it over and over again "I don't think I can carry all that alone. Ei, do you mind coming along with me?"

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