Episode 1-5 : School?

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First Period「Potions」

Ace huff in his seat as he still did not believe that the violet haired girl just teleport them in here, Deuce is still in a shock state as he just froze on his seat doing nothing, while the said violet girl only display a small smile on her lips.

"So you all are the fresh faces in my homeroom. Hmmm, there are some rare hair colors in the bunch. Not bad. Make sure to take proper care of it daily. " said the teacher in the front as he inspect his students, there's certainly many interesting students with their personalities and appearance, but only one that has caught his attention.

We all already know who is it, our beloved violet hair Goddess sitting in between many boys with her familiar.

"My names is Divus Crewel. You may feel free to call me Master Crewel and as for you young miss, you may call me Crewel sensei instead"

Ei shot up her glance to Crewel as she gave a him a nod as an acceptance.

"First for the basics. I will beat the names and appearance of 100 types of medicine and poison into your little brains. Well discover fungi later. Now memorize these so you don't go around getting poisoned by random things you eat off the ground. Dogs will eat whatever is lying around. Your training will be strict and I better not see any red marks on your tests."

'I'm not even a dog' Ei sigh as she stare at her book with a tired face.

Deuce snap from his trance as he started to scribble on his notes while Ace only close his eyes and rest his head on the table.

"I see... By the way, what's 'fungi'? "

"To answer your question Deuce, fungi is like a mushroom but they have a quiet different cell upon their body"

Deuce stare at the violet haired girl in amazement "Thankyou Ei-San!"

"Blegh, I'm no good at memorization." Ace just lazily stay in his table.

"All that matters for grass is whether or not it tastes good." Grim said as he lay down on Ei's lap.


Second Period 「History」

"I'm Trein and I'm in charge of your history lessons. This is my familiar, Lucius. You will learn about the history of magic that has brought prosperity to the world."


"Participation in class will affect your grade, not just reports. I will not forgive sleeping in class."

Ei silently eyed the cat which is comfortably sitting on Trein's arm.

"Open your textbooks to page 15. We will start with the discovery of magic crystal in the Dwarfs' Mines..."

Once again Lucius meow as it now jump from Train's arm to the table staring at every each of the students until he lay his eyes on Ei.

"Magical energy spread throughout the world during the century after this discovery, we call it the 'Beginning of Magic'." Trein continue to explain, Lucius jump off from the table and walk towards Ace's table passing it and sitting next to Ei's books.

Lucius then began to open flip her textbook to the right page and sit silently "Ah, thankyou" Ei stroke Lucius's back as she focus on the lesson.

'This cat... It knew that I'm not from here neither that I'm a mortal too' Lucius continuously staring at the violet haired girl.

Ace started to yawn and doze off while Deuce is amaze and interested on the lesson "Wooaah~ at Dwarfs' Mine... Woaaahh~ Magical energy..."

Trein glance at the three student before shaking his head from the ginger haired boy behavior, he then throw a chalk at him "Focus on the lesson, I said no sleeping"

Ace jolt up from his seat, the rest of the students started giggling at Ace while he only rub the back of his neck.

Grim sat silently next to Ei not wanting to die if he make any noises, he then zone out from reality.

Sports Field

Third Period「Athletics」

"I'm Vargas, I'm in charge of athletics for you bean sprouts. Becoming a great wizard starts with your muscles! Look at all the muscle I've built eating raw eggs everyday!" Vargas then show off his muscle to the student who were completely unfaze by it.

'I never knew if someone eat raw eggs everyday they will look like this, maybe I should ask Ace or Deuce to try it' Ei stare at the two boys making them turn to her with a confused look.

"You baby wizards have no stamina. Start with 20 laps around the track then 100 pushups!"

"Eeeh... I don't dislike exercise but I can't deal with this type of teacher." Ace said as he lazily prepare himself.

"I've got confidence in my stamina" Deuce grin widely.

"What's so fun about running in circles!? I'd rather be treated as a cat!!" Ei stare at Grim with a slight evil smile, Grim look to her and gulp down his saliva slowly.

Vargas notice this certain group chatting instead of doing their exercises he blow his whistle startling the two boys they began to run off.

Vargas approach the violet haired student "Your body has a good shape, I can tell you are exercising everyday, what kind of exercise did you do to keep your body like this?"

'Fighting and killing.
No Shogun'

"Oh.. You can tell? Well I just do some chores and martial arts" Ei answer nervously as she avert her gaze hoping that this teacher is dumb enough to believe her.

Vargas then laugh out loud "I see, that certainly answer why you have a different posture from the others, off you go with the others now"

Ei then catch up with her friends "Woah, you can catch up with us?" Deuce ask her as he started to slow down a little bit.

"Yeah, it was nothing don't worry, no need to slow down for me"

Ace stare at them silently with some kind of strange stare.

Interior Hallway

Break Time

The three of them walk along side after finishing their athletic class "Our next class is..."

Ace sigh "For a school of magic it's really not that different from regular old school. It's a lot more subdued than I expected... Not having magic hasn't been a problem at all. What do you think, Ei?"

"Eh? Uhm.. I don't know..? I never been to school before" Ei answered simply

"Huh!? Never been to school!??" shouted both of the boys.


"Then what did you do all this time!!?" Deuce asked with a wide eye

"Are you some kind of billionaire or something!?"

"Ahahaha~ both of you calm down, it's not much a big deal"

'To begin with there is no school at all back in Inazuma'

Something hit Deuce like a lightning he stare at Ei "Don't tell me... You.."

Ei blink a few times and tilt her head.

"You have some kind of illness that make you can't go to school!!!?" Ace gasped at Deuce remark, Ei stand in confusion.


"Oh no! Ei-San!! Poor you, it must be hard for you!" Deuce grab her hand as he started to tear up, Ace join him too and started to chant a word of support towards her.


Ei could only sigh and squeeze their hand gaining their attention "I'm not sick, I'm just.. Too busy? I guess"

They stare at her blankly before sighing real hard "We're so glad that you're not ill"

Grim watch the whole interaction with a face that shows cringe in it.

Ei could only laugh at their overworried attitude.

To Be Continued

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