05 - what happened between samantha and tom?

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When I got to bill and toms house I knocked on the door and waited for them to answer me but instead bill opened the window.

"The doors opened just come into toms room!"

I open the door and quickly walk into toms room, I open his door and see Tom laying on his bed and bill sat on a chair, they both looked at me as I walked into his room.

"Hey Hailey, just sit on my bed."

Tom was pointing at his bed and I sit down on the edge of the bed, I look at Tom and I say.

"So what's with you and Samantha?"

Tom scoffed.
"It's kind off a long story but anyways, I was at a party having the time of my life you know and then I got completely pissed and I think we had sex-"

"Yes Tom u two had sex, everyone heard her." Bill says casually just cutting him off.

My eyes widened just imagining how that went..

"After that I'm pretty sure she put her number on my phone and I just never called it."

"Why did you call her back?" I raise my eyebrow.

"First of all I wasn't interested in her, second she never told me she put it on my phone and I didn't even know until she made a big fuss about it."

"What did you do when she was making a fuss about it?"

"Easy, deleted the number."

"What that's it? There's gotta be more?!"

"Remember what I told you Hailey? She makes every little thing dramatic." Bill says looking quite annoyed.

"You ok bill?"

"Yea I'm fine, so why did you go with Samantha and their friends?" Bill stands up and puts his hands on his hips (he's getting serious guys!)

"I didn't know what to do, I just panicked?"

Both bill and Tom looked at me confused but didn't question me.

"Wanna order pizza?" Tom asked changing the subject.

me and bill nodded our heads as Tom gets his phone out ready to order the pizza.

Bill grabs a controller and resumes the game they both paused, I'm guessing they were just playing games while they were waiting for me.

"Wanna play?" Bill asked looking at me.

"Yea alright." I grab the controller next to him and we begin playing the game on the tv.


So far I lost 3 games and it was pissing me off, the pizza still wasn't here.

"Yes! I won again!" Bill says and I just look at him annoyed.

"I'm not good at this stupid game!" I try snapping the controller in frustration but it was no use, this thing is made out of iron apparently.

"What are you doing??" Bill looked at you weirdly

"This fucking game!" I slam the controller on the bed and cross my arms.

Tom came into the room with a pizza box in his hands.

"Pizzas here!"

Tom puts the pizza box on the bed and we all take one slice to eat.

Not even 10 minutes later and nearly the whole pizza is gone, I take the last slice and continue eating it.

Tom burps after eating his slice of pizza and it was loud, bill yelled at Tom in German which I couldn't really understand but I got a few words.


It was atleast 9pm when I left and started walking home with bill since he wanted me to be safe, Tom didn't want to walk since he was to lazy.

Me and bill were talking about a lot of things and I've got to say I kind off like him, not in a crush way cause ew! Maybe in a friend way.

We got to my house and we were just standing there.

I look at him to see that he was already looking at me.

"So I'll see you at school tomorrow?"

"Yea of course!"

Bill hugged me which was surprising..

"Goodnight Hailey!" He said walking away, I look at him as he walked away then I open my door and shut it only to see my mother.

"Where the hell were you?! It's 9:30 pm!"

My mom shouted at me, she looked very worried.

"I was at bill and toms house, I thought I told you?"

"I know that! I told you to be home before 7pm and you came home 2 and a half hours later! Do you not realise how worried you made me?"

My mom says as she grabs my shoulders gently.

"Just go to your room Hailey."

I got a weird feeling as I looked at mom

"Are you ok?"

"Yes I'm fine. Go to your room, now."

My mom said in a stern tone like she just didn't want me there, I go to my room since I didn't want to start anything and I get changed into my pyjamas. Why was my mom acting weird? She was never like this at all, might be because I came home late? Ugh I don't know.

I turn my light off but keep my lamp on as I get into bed, I just laid there thinking about what the hell has happened today.

Why has so much happened??

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