02 - my new friend

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It's been 2 days since I last saw bill but I couldn't care less, I was to busy unpacking my boxes and trying to make my room exactly how it was before we left, my room was a bit smaller but it wasn't a massive difference.

I open the boxes where all my posters were and stuck them on the wall, nearly my whole wall was covered in Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Eminem, Lindsay Lohan and way more!

I'm nearly finished unpacking my things and I jump into my bed, having a break since all this unpacking was really tiring me out.


"Hailey!" My mom yelled my name as I groan and walk downstairs.


"Someone is here to see you." She walks back into the living room and I open the door.

"Hey Hailey."

It was bill.

"What do you want?" I cross my arms as he gives me a white plastic bag.

"What is it?" I look in the bag and I see a box, I opens he box and I see a new phone.

"What the hell is this?"

"It's the Samsung D840, don't you like it?"

"I-I didn't expect you to get me an actual phone..."

"Well I was the fault your old phone broke."

"Well uh thank you"

We stand there awkwardly not knowing what to say to eachother.

"Can I get your number?" I look at him blank faced after he asked me that.


"Not like I'm interested in you or anything! but you seem cool so I was hoping we could be friends?"

"Oh yea of course we can be friends, I mean you got me a new phone I basically owe you one."

"You don't owe me anything, I'm fine"


"Yea, you don't have to do anything for me just because I got you a phone, a phone is a phone."

"Phones are expensive??"

"I have a lot of money saved up, and my mom gives me money for doing the chores."

"You must do a lot of chores then." I chuckle and I give him a pen.

"Write my number on my hand, I'll text you tonight once I set this phone up." He grabs the pen and writes it on my hand, I watched him as he wrote his number. He gives the pen back and smiles.

"Don't forget to text me."

"I wont, bye!"

"Bye!!" He waved at me and walked away, I look at the number on my hand, why is his writing better than mine?


It was 7pm and I finished all of my unpacking, I may need to buy some new stuff for my room but I like it so far.

I look at my new phone and then it hits me. I forgot to text bill!

I grab my phone and try my best to identify the numbers on my hand since it was starting to fade away, once I got the number I sent him a message.


  Hailey - Hey is this bill?


I wait for a little bit and then my phone buzzed, he texted me!


Hailey - Hey is this bill?

Bill - Yes! It's me bill, how are you doing?

Hailey - I'm ok just really bored

Bill - ugh same! My brother is just being annoying!

Hailey - you have a brother?

Bill - twin brother, he can be really annoying sometimes!

Hailey - can't relate I'm a only child :3

Bill - whatever I gotta go now bye!

Hailey - bye


I put my phone down, bill seems really nice, I wonder if his brother is hot or if he is just some punky emo like bill.

I go downstairs and sit on the couch with my parents.

"So is that bill? The one who gave you the new phone?" My dad asked

"Yea, he's my friend now."

My dad scoffs "stay away from kids that look like that, they're the type of kids that will be a bad influence on you."

"Bill is really nice, he isn't a bad influence!"

"That's what they'rere all like at first." My dad says taking a sip of his beer.

"That's enough! If she wants to be friends with him then she can!"

"I'm just saying, I don't trust him."

I roll my eyes and focus on the tv.


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