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CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO. It Was Definitely Cook.

( chapter warning! )this chapter contains sexual manners, usage of drugs, gore, possibly seen as attempted m*rder??? physical fighting & the view of being taken advantage of when intoxicated

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( chapter warning! )
this chapter contains sexual manners, usage of drugs, gore, possibly seen as attempted m*rder??? physical fighting & the view of being taken advantage of when intoxicated. please be aware of this and stay safe:)

"I HATE the woods." Victoria mumbles to herself as she exits her expensive champagne coloured Porsche, coming into the realization she signed up for an activity she absolutely hated. But, you only live once. And Victoria often found herself experiencing the fear of missing out on exciting things. So that is why she found herself in the middle of nowhere with a group of rowdy teenagers who were excited for not only their spontaneous school break, but as well as having complete freedom from their parents and being able to ignore their own personal issues for the night.

This trip was dedicated to drinking and laughter. But with what comes with hope for a thrilling night, comes with chaos as well. The universe just worked that way.

"Have some fun, Vicky." Effy wraps her arms around Victoria's shoulders, swaying the Graham girl side-to-side. "Tonight will be magical." Effy cheekily giggles, a deceiving look in her ocean blue eyes. Victoria hummed as a way to agree, following the group as they made their way to an open patch of land to set up camp. The missing presence of Cook didn't go noticed by anyone else, but Victoria. She hated that she was turning into a clingy girlfriend for a guy she hadn't even been with for a week, but once she had finally gotten the love Cook was dreadfully waiting to express, she couldn't get enough.

Victoria assisted the girls with setting up the tents while the boys fixed up a fire and started on food. Victoria was most definitely not very skillful in the art of building a tent, but she tried her best. Shockingly enough, Katie and Emily were quite good at it, especially Katie. That was something Victoria wouldn't have expected, but it was an interesting surprise to learn about while working on this project together.

Emily and Katie had grown up going on monthly camping trips with their father, explaining why they were so excited for this trip and how they knew so much about the woods and the do's and don'ts of camping.

"Fred's! Baby! How's the food coming along?" Katie shouted to Freddie, her hands on her hips as her boyfriend gave her a hefty thumbs up with a mouth full of food.

"Most of it's done." He nods, glancing subtlety over to Victoria every once in a while. Everyone had noticed Freddie's snarky attitude and longing stares towards the Graham girl. All expect for Katie and the woman of the hour.

"Great! Where's Effy? I need to figure out sleeping arrangements before I go mad." Katie shakes her head frantically, bending down into the cooler filled with ice and beer, happily retrieving her own alcoholic beverage before she'd go on a hunt for the Stonem girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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