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PROLOGUE. Forbidden Fruit

    FREDDIE MCCLAIR SAT ANGERLY NEXT TO HIS FATHER, glaring blindly at the man who continued to ignore his longing stare

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    FREDDIE MCCLAIR SAT ANGERLY NEXT TO HIS FATHER, glaring blindly at the man who continued to ignore his longing stare. Freddie's nerves were highly spiked, not sure on why his father made him endure this Friday night together at the house he called his own. Although Freddie's father did explain exactly why he was stuck here, he didn't oblige.

    The reasoning being that Leo wanted his son to be present for this business he'd be negotiating tonight with Camden Graham, who was a powerful man of Bristol. His father owned a small business that had been in the family for years, that business being, a small bakery right in the soul heart of Bristol. Freddie never was too interested in taking over that business one day, as he had always dreamed of escaping Bristol.

    His father had explained to him that he wanted Freddie present to show him the ways of negotiating. Plus, apparently the Graham man was having his young daughter tag along. That slightly sparked Freddie's interest, but he didn't get his hopes up. With Effy galivanting around with his best friend, he needed some sort of fun in his life. Maybe, this was the fun he needed.

    He doubted, though. He knew he couldn't get his hopes up, as he most likely will be disappointed with the outcome of this young teenage girl. He was expecting some girl with a grunge look, messy makeup, and slutty clothing, as it seemed that was what every girl in Bristol looked like.

    Leo didn't tell Freddie much about the girl in question. Only that she was a tad bit shorter than him, with a snarky personality. Typical for a Bristol girl.

     Freddie's angered stare was torn away by the sound of knocking coming from the front door. Quickly, Leo got up. Karen was too busy practicing for her many competitions coming up, so she was fortunate enough she didn't have to be included in this conclave.

    Freddie stayed back, settled in the wooden seat of the small dining room. The bright light shined down, as Freddie leaned slightly back in his chair, making it tip to show a faint view. Freddie watched carefully as a man dressed in a high-end suit shook his father's hand. The man took a slight step to the left, revealing something to his father, Freddie assuming it was the daughter, as Leo and the girl shook hands. Freddie was unable to get a clear view of what exactly she looked like, and only saw the glow of her skin, along with her well-manicured hands.

    The Mcclair boy's eyebrows furrowed as the two Graham's stepped in, the young girl now being in perfect sight for him to examine her. Freddie's expectations were set too low for this girl, eyeing her up and down like she was fresh meat to him. Which, she kind of was.

    Her hair was twisted into curls, the blonde locks falling onto her shoulders. Her makeup was done neatly, lightly coating her skin, almost making it look like she didn't have anything on. Her outfit was anything but Bristol. She had a not too short skirt on, that only rose a little to mid-thigh. She had a white buttoned up top on, that was buttoned down enough to reveal skin. Freddie's eyes widened at her figure, at her looks, at her everything. He was in complete utter shock from this. She was nothing like the girls in Bristol, and he loved that.

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