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CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE. Brighter Than A Star.

    VICTORIA HAD been on cloud nine from the moment Cook had confessed his love for her

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    VICTORIA HAD been on cloud nine from the moment Cook had confessed his love for her. Victoria wasn't fond of love growing up, but having people like Tony and Cook in her life, showing their love in not just words, but in actions, changed her entire view on not just the silly word, but on life.

    When Victoria was in love, everyone was happier. She wasn't as vicious, or harsh. She was aware of other people's feelings and strayed away from arguments as if conflict was the plague.

    When Victoria was in love, Effy was in love. In love with life and the fact she didn't have to worry about Victoria snapping at every waking moment. It was relieving to know Victoria was in good-graces with the world and not out to get everyone.

    As Victoria walked through the halls, everyone stared. They always stared, but this time was different. Her smile wasn't fake, it was real. She was beaming. She didn't give her usual nasty stares, or ignored the people who would say hello to her. She was loveable. More loveable then she typically was, only making her, already obnoxious amount of popularity, grow even more.

    When Victoria was in a good mood, everything about her was brighter. Her clothes, her skin, her makeup, her personality. Her look depended on her mood, and by the looks of it — she was glowing brighter than a star.

    Entering into her english class, Victoria smiled immediately at the sight of her now boyfriend. Victoria hadn't been in a relationship since Tony, and Tony wasn't even her boyfriend by label. He had never asked, but their relationship was obviously more than just a causal hook up. Cook had properly asked. And the best part of it was the fact he didn't ask for her to be his girlfriend. He asked to be her boyfriend.

Such a gentleman, right?

Victoria threw her book bag on the back of her assigned chair, before joyfully prancing over to Cook, whose mind was repeatedly spinning with her. As Cook was in the middle of a conversation with Freddie and JJ, his speech quieted after noticing her presence coming closer. He happily opened up his arms for her to fall into, which she gladly did, gently placing herself comfortably into his lap.

"Hi, Rory." Cook grinned, running a hand through her thick's locks of hair. She matched his smiling expression, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Hi, baby." She released a giggle, her rosy cheeks blushed with a soft pink. Her eyes passed by Cook's towards Freddie and JJ, the two staring in shock at the newly formed couple. No one had heard from the two the entire weekend, so suspicions were already high. But seeing in person, that Victoria and Cook were this vibrant couple, was unsettling, to say the least. "Hi boys." She acknowledged the two, giving a subtle head nod towards them as another way to say hello. They gave a smile in return, staying quiet for a moment, before JJ spoke up.

VICTORIA'S SECRET, Skins UkWhere stories live. Discover now