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    "I CANNOT believe you spoke to our guest that way, Victoria

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"I CANNOT believe you spoke to our guest that way, Victoria." Her mother shouted with a burst of wrath, shaking her head uncontrollably. "Not just a guest — your boyfriend!"

    "He is not my boyfriend!" Victoria repeated for what felt like the hundredth time. Her mother and her had been in a continuous argument ever since Cook left, that's lasted for ages. The clock had struck at least three times by now, announcing just how exactly long they've been enduring their energy into this screaming match.

    "Then why would you possibly involve him in our lives in this way if he wasn't?" Her mother's face was twisted with displeasure that left a sour taste in Victoria's mouth, turning her hands clammy and her bones fidgety. "He is a wonderful boy. The way you spoke to him in that kitchen" She pointed to the glowing beam of light echoing from their kitchen, where Victoria's father and Rowan huddled in to hide away from the match. "Was disgraceful, Victoria!"

    "Mum, you don't understand." Victoria defended herself, throwing her arms to cross over her chest. "Cook and I were just- just making the entire thing up for his own selfish advantages! I didn't want him involved with our family, but after Rowan saw my phone and told you about him, I was just going to go along with it. I didn't think you'd want to meet him, and I especially didn't think he'd want to come over. I was going to end it tomorrow bu- but he just made me so angry, Mum, I couldn't help it, okay? I'm sorry."

    Vanessa's head shock in dismay at her daughter. "Whatever you two were doesn't give you the right to bring up his family life, Victoria."

    "I know, mum." Victoria groaned, rubbing her droopy eyes against her clenching palms. "He deserved it — he's been such an asshole! I'm just over it."

    "Whatever you say." Vanessa rolled her eyes, putting a hand to Victoria's face in a way to shut her up. "I'm tired of your disgusting attitude. We raised you better than that. You best believe you'll be giving that boy an apology from the bottom of your heart, and truly mean it." Vanessa then gently stepped over to her daughter, bending onto her knees to be eye level with Victoria, carefully rubbing Vic's knees. "I want what's only best for you, Victoria. I know I sound harsh, but I don't want you going back to your old roots. You've grown so much from who you once were, and your father and I are so proud of you for it. Love whoever you want, I just want you to make sure you're aware of the certain consequences you could receive from it."

    "I know, mum." Victoria's eyes had softened, shifting from her tense demeanor to a comfortably content one. "I'm sorry. I'll apologize to him, I promise." She whispers, picking at the beds of her nails. Victoria was commonly uncomfortable when it came to comforting from one of her parents but decided against giving her mother a look of annoyance.

    Neither of them spoke another word, leaving a hauntingly still silence. Victoria didn't feel as though she could properly breathe until she entered her empty room after gaining permission from her mother, the door behind her shutting quieter than it ever had before, almost as if it knew she needed this — the death of sound that wouldn't receive a funeral.

VICTORIA'S SECRET, Skins UkWhere stories live. Discover now