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CHAPTER TWENTY. Confessional.

    FREDDIE SAT slouched in the corner of his English class, occupied on something that was completely different than school

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    FREDDIE SAT slouched in the corner of his English class, occupied on something that was completely different than school. Over on the other side of the room sat Victoria, who was whispering amongst their shared group of friends with one of the brightest smiles he had ever seen on her. But something about it wasn't as genuine as she wanted people to see. Freddie could tell.

    Him and Victoria hadn't spoken since her birthday party, and their one-sided argument, or whatever that was, earlier. As much as he disapproved of it, she had infected his mind. He couldn't get her out of his head. But unfortunately for him, Cook, his best friend, was in the exact same position as him. They both were too infatuated with a girl who didn't want them. Even if she did, Victoria was too smart to fall for either of them. She knew in the end, one of them would get hurt. She cared about both of them, which is why she was acting this way.

He thinks.

Stuck in a reverie, the bell caught Freddie out of his daydreaming. Unlike everyone else, he was sluggish to collecting his things. He had become utterly exhausted after speaking with Victoria earlier. The infection she cursed his brain with made him drained of energy. He couldn't think of anything that didn't end with Victoria being involved somehow.

"Hey, hot stuff!" A chirpy voice hollered from behind him as he exited the classroom, catching his attention. Turning around to see the victim of the high voice, he was also met with glowing blue eyes staring deeply towards him. Victoria stood confidently beside Katie, making the Fitch girl look like an ant compared to Vic.

Katie giggled her way towards Freddie, dragging him towards where Victoria stood. Her back was to him by the time he made his way over to her. She was too busy rummaging through her neatly organized locker to give him a glance. "So," Katie grinned, leaning against the polished blue lockers. "How about the party in the woods this weekend? We still on? Because Vic offered to bring a ton of alc! It'll be killer."

"Uh- yeah." Freddie stuttered, trying his best to resist the urge to grab Victoria and take her right against these lockers.

Romantic, right?

"Perf! I'm so excited to spend the best weekend with my best friend and the best boyf." Katie enthusiastically rolled her eyes, grabbing onto both Freddie and Vic's hands. "By the way, we aren't mentioning this little get together to Cook, right, Vic?" Katie stared at the blonde who turned at the mention of her name.

"Hm. Yeah." She spoke in a monotone voice, slamming her locker aggressively shut, causing her hair to fly in a gust of wind.

"Especially not after earlier. God, he's so possessive. How could anyone ever love that?" Katie's eyes fall onto where Cook and JJ stood, both of the boys staring right in their direction — right in Victoria's direction.

VICTORIA'S SECRET, Skins UkWhere stories live. Discover now