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CHAPTER NINE. Breaking Up To Making Up.

    A GROAN BUBBLED up in Victoria's throat as she had slowly began to wake, the bright lights in the gloomy posh neighbourhood of Bristol beaming into her white cream room, interrupting her rest

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    A GROAN BUBBLED up in Victoria's throat as she had slowly began to wake, the bright lights in the gloomy posh neighbourhood of Bristol beaming into her white cream room, interrupting her rest.

    Her eyes slowly adjusted to the blinding shine peaking in, her legs gently sliding against her cushioned sheets, while accidentally bumping into another entity's body part. Her right eye peaked open, feeling the touch of a fingertip running over her bare arm.

"Hi." Freddie murmurs, twisting a single strand of Victoria's hair around his index finger.

"You're still here." Her lips create a grin, revealing her bright white teeth. She then scooted gently over to Freddie, sitting up to throw her legs over Freddie's bare lower torso. "What time is it?" She places her palms onto his chest, holding herself up.

"Uh," He peers his eyes over to her hanging clock, reading the time with blurry vision. "7:29."

Victoria groaned, throwing her head back. "I have to shower." She huffs, laying down onto his chest like a bear with a log. Freddie hums against her body, pressing a peck on the top of her head. "I'll be back." She pulls herself away from him, tiredly yawning as she entered into the bright bathroom. Her arm leaned around the large glass door, turning on the hottest water setting with just a little bit of cold water pushing through.

    Victoria's feet patted against the tiled floor as she stepped in front of her large full wall mirror, examining her look. Her makeup from yesterday had been smudged from the sleep and
exercise she had endured only a few hours prior. She released another yawn, once again, before sliding off Freddie's t-shirt he had let her borrow. She gently set the clothing material down onto her matching marble counter, before entering into the steamy shower.

Goosebumps overruled her body as the warmth of the boiling water hit her pale white skin, her hand cupping a handful of water to splash onto her face.

Her hair was pulled down by the strength of the water, scrubbing the shampoo and conditioner into her blonde hair. The purple colouring of the cleaner cascading down her back, along with the water, acting as a waterfall. The time in her shower only lasted 10 minutes, or so. Victoria had taught herself how to be a quick when it came to bathing, as she was always late to things.

The motion of the water came to a pause as she had switched off the heat, wrapping a white cotton towel around her soaked body. Victoria gently rubbed her tired eyes, drying her feet on her dark blue shower mat, before exiting the bathroom in search for clean clothes. She entered into her very own walk-in closet that consisted of all types of fashion, flickering on the chandelier light that hung right in the middle of the room.

"You got another kitchen hiding in here, too?" Freddie smirked, leaning against the doorway of the large clothing space.

    "Mhm." Victoria hums, pulling out a grey corset type of denim top along with black wide legged pants to pair with. A moment of silence overtook them as Victoria concentrated on her vision for what she was interested in wearing, her eyes scanning through the row of her shoes — from bright to dark.

VICTORIA'S SECRET, Skins UkWhere stories live. Discover now