37. Final Confrontation: Unveiling Strengths

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As the tension mounts in the final moments before the battle, Drake approaches Luca and Aiden with a solemn expression. "Hey, guys, I just wanted to say... I'm glad I met you both. No matter what happens out there, I'm grateful for this experience," he admits, his voice tinged with emotion.

Luca's determination shines through as he responds firmly, "We're not here to lose, Drake. We're here to win, no matter the cost. We need that prize money."

As the team enters the arena, they are met with the eager anticipation of the crowd and the imposing presence of their opponents. Aiden, Luca, and Drake exchange a glance, silently reaffirming their commitment to victory.

While the organizer addresses the crowd, outlining the significance of the final battle, Aiden lays out a strategic plan for their team. "Luca and I will focus our initial attacks on the mysterious guy. Meanwhile, Drake, you target the other two members. They are weak, so you can handle them." he advises.

Luca raises a skeptical eyebrow. "Are you sure, Aiden? Even D-rank hunters can't be that weak."

Aiden's expression darkens momentarily as he considers his words. "What if they aren't D rank?" he murmurs cryptically, causing Luca to furrow his brow in confusion.

As the countdown begins, the team braces themselves for the impending clash. "3... 2... 1... Let the final begin!" The arena erupts with energy as the battle commences, and the fate of the tournament hangs in the balance.

As the battle unfolds, Luca and Aiden launch a coordinated assault on the mysterious guy, driving him back with their combined strength. The crowd erupts into cheers as they witness the impressive display of teamwork.

"Bravo!" Maya shouts from the sidelines, her voice ringing out with encouragement. Across the arena, Rylan, Sarah, and Marcus watch intently, their faces a mix of determination and hope. "Give it your best. I hope you win. We didn't lose for nothing," Rylan calls out, his words carrying across the arena.

Meanwhile, Drake focuses his attention on the other two members of the opposing team, attempting to exploit their perceived weakness. However, the mysterious guy proves to be a formidable opponent, easily blocking Drake's attacks.

Seizing the opportunity, Luca delivers a powerful blow that slices through the mysterious guy's cloak and leaves a deep gash across his eye. With a fierce roar, the mysterious guy removes his cloak once again, revealing his menacing presence to the arena.

Watching from the sidelines, Raelyn, Gideon, and Murro exchange determined looks. "Aiden, Drake, and Luca have a chance to win this battle," Raelyn declares, her voice filled with conviction. "The mysterious guy has revealed himself again."

Despite his injury, Luca remains resolute, holding his ground against the relentless assault of the mysterious guy. Aiden seizes the moment to strike, launching a powerful arrow from behind.

Meanwhile, Drake continues his onslaught against the two weaker members of the opposing team, exploiting their vulnerabilities and landing several decisive blows.
In the midst of the intense battle, Kael's voice cuts through the tension from the crowded stands. "Aiden and Luca have grown exponentially stronger," he remarks, his eyes fixed on the arena below. "Each battle, they surpass their previous selves. When I faced Aiden, we were evenly matched, but now... I wouldn't stand a chance against him. He's closing in on the strength of Gideon and Raelyn, the former titans of this tournament."

Maya nods in agreement, her gaze thoughtful. "You're absolutely right. Aiden's strength has grown with each encounter. He was strong when he faced me, and even stronger when he faced you," she acknowledges. Sarah chimes in, her tone solemn. "I fought him after both of you. Each time, he was stronger. And Luca... he's surpassed all of us. The only one stronger than him is that mysterious guy."

As the conversation unfolds among the spectators, the mysterious guy unleashes a guttural scream, unleashing a devastating attack that sends Aiden and Luca reeling. With startling speed, he turns his attention to Drake, delivering a powerful blow that cuts deep.

"You've hurt my brothers," the mysterious guy growls, his voice echoing with menace. "Now, you will feel pain." The crowd watches in stunned silence as the mysterious guy speaks for the first time, his words laden with a chilling promise of retribution.

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