Chapter 10

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Felix mulled over what he was told last night and decided it would be better to first talk to the main perpetrators; chan, lee know, Han and seungmin. He had an idea that seungmin was most likely the brains behind the operation because he was the only person out of the 7 boys that was fully sane.

The clock rang, 9am, time to work. His closest co worker held the door for him and walking down the hall with him "so, who is your first patient Felix?" The woman asked with a smile. " Kim Seungmin, wish me look!" Felix waved bye as they headed down different hallways and sighed, exhausted.

He scanned his card, entered the hallway and went right into seungmin's room. " good morning Seungmin, heard you went on a field trip last night" Felix raised his eyebrows as Seungmin closed his eyes and groaned in annoyance. "Don't see why it matters cos it didn't work anyway"

" Seungmin it matters because you endangered 6 mentally Ill people! You are the only sane person in the group of you why tried to leave so you need to take some responsibility for the fact that you endangered other patients and that is not okay!" Felix's voice was strained but also somewhat calm. "I understand that it is hard to be here, but you wouldn't be here if you didn't need to be and I want to make your time here as easy as possible but you make it hard when you do things like trying to escape or selling your medication! I want to help you but I only can if you stop behaving like this." Seungmin stared at Felix for a second, he didn't understand why Felix wasn't yelling at him, he didn't understand how his plan didn't work, how it went wrong. Instead he just nodded and stayed quiet.

"Thank you Seungmin, now let's get some work done" Felix stayed with Seungmin for an hour, going through the dangers of giving prescribed medication to someone who doesn't need it, and how it can seriously harm someone. Felix really wanted Seungmin to understand the affects his actions had, and although Seungmin gave a few snide remarks, he was overall pleasant and Felix felt good enough to move onto his next patient.

"Morning Lee know, Han. I'm sure you know why I'm here and I'm not going to go on and give you the whole 'it's not safe' talk, I just want to know why you tried to leave and if there is anything I can do to prevent it in the future"
Felix sat in his chair behind his desk as the other two boys sat in chairs that were around the table in front of his desk, he patiently waited for one of the boys to answer. "We wanted to come visit you. You are ours, we need to be with you always, it's how it's meant to be!" Lee know blurted out, he looked frustrated, his arms crossed as he sat on his chair with his legs apart like a typical man would, contrary to Han who sat with his legs pressed together and feet facing inwards like in some sort of anime. " Lee know, I am your therapist. That's all we are, therapist and patient and if you can not understand that then you can not be my patient anymore. Do I make myself clear?" Felix looked stern as Lee know hummed and rolled his eyes, then looked over to Han.

" Anything you have to say Han?" Felix asked, his tone was soft but there wasn't a specific tone to it, it was unreadable. " I fucking hate it here. I want to be able to paint freely and eat nice food and travel like everyone else! It's not fair!" Han was growing angrier the longer he talked, Felix noticed quickly. " Han, how about this; during one of our sessions every week I'll bring in some painting or drawing supplies and we can do that while we talk and I'll start a chart with you- with both of you and when you get a certain amount of stars, you can pick a meal whether it's a takeaway, fast food anything and I'll bring it in. Okay?" Han nodded and nudged Lee know to answer, Lee know muttering a quick okay.

" thank you for being open and honest though please can we not be trying to escape next time? It lands me in a ton of paperwork " Felix smiled, trying to make a small joke to cheer up the two boys and it worked, they both cracked grins and muttered apologies before being escorted back to their rooms by staff.

He sat, swivelling in his chair for a second, side eyeing the paperwork he had yet to fill out. " can I be arsed? No. Do I have to do it at some point? Yes" Felix speaks to himself sarcastically, a small smirk in the corner of his mouth. " do I need to talk to chan or do I not need to?...I haven't spoke to him yet but I need to get this paperwork done...I'll have to get him to write a statement " Felix got up and grabbed a pen and a statement paper and walked down to chan's room.

He opened the door and knocked to get Chan's attention. It all went fast but within seconds the door was slammed into the wall with Felix pressed against it and chan holding him tight, clawing at felix's skin to get closer " needed you... you fucking slut. Why couldn't we come visit you?!" He slammed his fist against the door just above felix's head, the noise alerting staff nearby and he was soon pulled away from Felix and manhandled onto a seat at the desk "why did you come here lixxie?! TO TORTURE ME!?" Chan yelled, tears running down his cheeks and Felix sighed sympathetically. " I need you to write me a statement chan, about last night." Felix put the pen and statement paper on the desk in front of chan, their eyes met for a few seconds, boring into each other like a quiet battle before Felix tore away and left the room, headed back to his office and sat at his desk.

He pulled a headband out his draw and put it on, pushing his long hair out his face and knuckling down to fill out the paperwork. He sat there for many hours filling out incident forms and forms about plans moving forward. He didn't get to leave work till 6pm, tired and running on coffee. His hands aching heavily from hours of writing. He clambered into the last bus and sat down in his usual spot, the bus was considerably quieter than it was this morning. When he finally arrived back at his apartment, he collapsed on the couch, sleep taking over him completely, shielding him in a cocoon of comfort.
Sleep well Lixxie~

Authors note-
Hey lovelies! How are we all! Happy with this chapter? I've noticed this book has been getting more attention recently, I'm honestly shocked and thankful to all my amazing readers x
Make sure to star and comment, and add my book to your library so you can get notified of the next updates! Bye loveliessss~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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