Chapter 3

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All was quiet upon Felix's entry into Changbin's room. Unnaturally quiet. Changbin wasn't someone who would go out their own way to annoy someone else, nor was he the loud talker however there was always faint noises of pain or fear coming from his room. As a high risk patient, the silence set Felix on edge and it wasn't until he took a proper look into the room that he let out a long sigh of relief. Changbin was well and healthy, the silence was simply due to him being asleep which could be taken as a good or bad thing. On one side, it could be good because maybe he was getting better and it was easier to sleep. But on the other hand it could be bad and Changbin could have been awake for days on end and eventually passed out from exhaustion. 

However, Changbin needed to be awake for the therapy session. So Felix, quietly as ever, opened the door to Changbin's room and crouched down next to his bed, rubbing his hand up and down Changbin's back gently but so it would wake Changbin up all the same. "Binnie... you need to wake up sweetheart" Felix spoke gently when he saw Changbin's eyes slowly open.

You are probably wondering why Felix is in Changbin's room and why he is being so soft with Changbin. Well, it's because Changbin is not dangerous to other people like the others, only dangerous to himself and he needs physical touch to stop him from spacing out in therapy. Furthermore, Changbin always cooperated with Felix, partly due to he gentle voice, Changbin admitted that himself. And so it was Felix's mission to ensure Changbin was spoken to kindly.

10 minutes later, Changbin was fully awake and sat up in bed. Felix, after changing positions, was also sat on Changbin's bed on the other side, keeping physical contact by holding Changbin's large hands.

"W-why did you leave me Lixxie? the monsters came back...they-they made me do things, bad things! I-i didn't want to do the but you weren't here to stop them..." Tears started trickling down Changbin's cute cheeks as he spoke and Felix, in a rush to bring comfort to not only Changbin but also himself after a bad morning, jumped to wrap Changbin in his warm embrace. "Im sorry Binnie, i know i shouldn't have left you when you need me but im here now okay? I dont plan on leaving any time soon sweetheart" 
Changbin only hugged his Lixxie tighter, sighing in relief. "Im so h-happy you're back Lixxie...the monsters are quiet again now" 

'poor boy' Felix thought as he let Changbin hug the living daylights out of him. "Tell you what Binnie, i know today is an emotional day for you so i wont force you to do the usual therapy things with me today. We can just stay here and watch something on my phone if you want to relieve yourself from the noises..." Felix was perfect to Changbin, it was like he could read his mind and scare away the monsters at the same time, and it was because of this that Changbin agreed and settled on the bed with Felix, watching The Lorax on Felix's phone until their time together was up.

'Oh comes the hard part' Felix thought to himself as he turned off his phone and wriggled out of Changbin's hug. " you cant go yet!" Changbin squeaked out, pain laced in his words. "i need to go Binnie, ill be back in 2 days sweetheart" Felis spoke softly as he stood up. "NO NO LIXXIE THE MONSTERS! DONT BRING THEM BACK, I WANNA BE FREE! YOU-YOU MAKE ME FREE! PLEASE PLEASE STAY! WE-WE CAN CUDDLE, WE CAN-WE CAN WATCH FILMS! LIXXIE BABY PLEASE!" Changbin's eyes were filled with tears as he attempted to grasp at Felix's baggy crocheted jumper. 

"shhhhh, shhhhh, calm down Binnie, 2 days sweetheart, can you make me happy and wait 2 days for me?" Changbin sat silently for a second, thinking about Felix's question. "You-you will be back? in 2 days? mhhhhh... i can wait but you need to atleast say hello to me tomorrow..." 
Felix grinned at his agreement. "ill pop in quickly tomorrow and say hello Binnie, for now, try sleep sweetheart" 

Changbin nodded and closed his eyes as he cuddles into his bed, Felix stood next to him for a few more minutes, running his small fingers through Changbin's thick hair. After a calm 5 minutes of silence, Felix crept out the room, happy that for once he wasn't having to cover his ears as  he walked out, attempting to block out Changbin's pained cries.

'Today is starting to turn around finally' Felix thought as he grinned, walking down to the staff office, he had just been told that he could leave work early today!
But is his day starting to turn around?

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