Chapter 6

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Felix heard his phone buzz in his pocket, notifying him of a new message, but knowing that he had a lot do do, he ignored it and opted to answer the text later with the usual "sorry i didnt answer, i was working " answer.

Felix had spent the previous week looking through his patients forms that the nurses who covered his shift had filled out while he was away. One in particular caught his eye instantly. Kim Seungmin, the psyche ward's presidential narcissist. Felix had learnt many things about him in his time working with Seungmin:
.He has a superiority complex
.He is a narcissist
.He is egotistic
.He is bigheaded
.He is delusional
But Felix now needs to add one more thing to the list; he is a drug dealer.

It seems that Seungmin, being as clever as he was, had not been taking his pills and had rather been storing them under his bed and selling them to other patients and even nurses and doctors on the few occasions he was allowed out his room. Felix could only find it in him to laugh "Why didn't I expect this from Kim Seungmin?... God he is unbelievable!"

Felix stormed down the corridor, fists clenched in anger, ignoring the weird looks he got for being so out of character. He was too angry to care, he was frustrated with Seungmin's actions, they were totally irrational and unfair, it was like Seungmin was trying to punish him for not being there but giving him extra work to do! It was part of the wards rules that should anything drug related occur with one of the patients, their assigned therapist should have to do a course with them as to why it is bad, what is in drugs, how it affects people etc. And since Seungmin had participated in an act including drugs, Felix would now have to spend an hour extra every week till they finished to complete the course with Seungmin! Just great.
He marched up to Seungmin's room door, took 4 deep breaths in and out (breathe in for 8 seconds, hold for 8 seconds, breathe out for 8 seconds) and then pushed the door open, striding in.

"Kin Seungmin! Dealing drugs now? Seriously?" Felix spoke as he walked into the sitting room on the other side of the glass to Seungmin. The boy in question was sat on his own chair, faced towards the glass with one leg over the other, with a smirk as if he was expecting Felix even before seeing him. "Lixxie! I would say i wasn't expecting you...but i was" The puppy-looking boy grinned boastingly.

"Don't avoid the question Seungmin." Felix was stern, but he had to be with Seungmin or they wouldn't get anywhere in their sessions. He wasn't this stern with his other patients but then again, Seungmin wasn't like the other patients.
"You're so smart Lixxie! Other Nurses and Doctors knew but never did anything to stop me but you... I always knew you were special!" Felix opened his mouth to talk but he was cut off by Seungmin. "Look, Lixie, if you just let me out of here we could run away together! we could take over the world! All of us can! You could live a luxurious life with us Lixie pleaseeeeee!?" Seungmin spoke loudly, mixed with erotic hand gestures and foot stomps. "us? who is us?" Seungmin's words threw Felix off, who was us? But Seungmin only smirked and held a finger up to his lips, silently telling Felix that he was done talking about that topic.

Felix shook his head and got back to what he was originally going to say. " I'm sorry Seungmin but you aren't getting out. What i can say though, is that not only is your little drug business coming to an end but you will also now have to complete a course with me about the negatives of being involved with drugs. essentially, taking up more of my time that i do not have spare! so congratulations." The lanky boy on the other side of the glass crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows, quietly questioning what his Lixxie said. Felix picked up on the confused look that adorned Seungmin's face, "what i mean Seungmin, is that you will now have your medicine injected instead!" Felix grinned and slammed his notebook shut, putting it in his bag. He grinned because he knew he had won against a narcissist.
"No! Y-you cant do that!"
"Yes i can, good day Mr. Kim, ill be seeing you very soon"
Felix walked out , hearing Seungmin's yells for him to come back slowly quieten until he was engulfed by silence again.

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